Twisty light

10 historical energy events

  • Period: to


  • how electricity behaves discovered

    how electricity behaves discovered
    Benjamin Franklin discovers how electricity works.
  • first vehicle

    first vehicle
    first vehicle that moved on its own created by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot.
  • first battery

    first battery
    the first electric battery was made by Alessandro Volta.
  • Electric motor

    Electric motor
    Thomas Davenport creates the first electric motor.
  • solar radiation to mechanical energy

    solar radiation to mechanical energy
    Auguste Mouchout was able to convert solar radiation into mechanical energy.
  • light

    1st electric light invented by Thomas Edison
  • first solar cell

    first solar cell
    Charles Fritts created the first solar cell
  • geothermal power plant

    geothermal power plant
    1st geothermal power plant built
  • bioelectricity

    Luigi Galvani discovered that nerve cells passing signals was a form of energy.
  • Lasers

    Albert Einstein created the theory that made the creation of lasers possible.