Martina's Timeline

  • I was born, tada!

    I was born, tada!
    This is important just because if I wasn't born none of this stuff would have ever happened.
  • First Talent Show/First Time Performing

    First Talent Show/First Time Performing
    This was the first time in my life that I had ever stood on a stage and performed for a crowd. This is really significant because after this, I began to perform regularly and this helped me gain comfort on the stage. I can say with 100% certainty that without this specific moment in my life, I might not be where I am today with performing and singing.
  • First Musical - Ensemble

    First Musical - Ensemble
    Thoroughly Modern Millie was the first show I had ever auditioned for, I had been singing for a few years when I auditioned and although this kickstarted my interest in theater, I felt as if I had failed because I was expecting some sort of role (even as a freshman) because I felt I was experienced enough and thought my audition went well. Unfortunately I became apart of the ensemble, but that didn't discourage me from auditioning for future school shows, which I eventually got a part in.
  • Seussical- First Role

    Seussical- First Role
    The summer after Thoroughly Modern Millie, I auditioned for Seussical and got the part of a Wickersham Monkey; this gave me the opportunity to explore acting and performing onstage in a show, and this helped me get a part in a future show as the director had seen me perform in this show. This performance as the "solo" wickersham really was my solo debut in theatre in Brewster.
  • First Dutchess County Fair Talent Show

    First Dutchess County Fair Talent Show
    I had signed up for this talent show after seeing an ad, and I thought it would be fun to do and it was another opportunity to perform in front of a crowd. Surprisingly, I ended up winning first prize in the junior vocal solo division. This was important in my life because without this initial event, I would not have gone on for 5 more years performing in this Talent Competition (and winning every year).
  • First Brewster Theater Cabaret

    First Brewster Theater Cabaret
    This Cabaret was my first adult theater show I had ever done. I soon became the youngest constant person in the cast for these. 3 years later and I've done about 9 of these. These are really great because it allows me to have fun and explore on stage, it's not everyday you get an easy to put together show that requires minimum work and can still turn out really good. Without these cabarets I might go crazy because they are one of the constants in my life.
  • The Death of my Uncle

    The Death of my Uncle
    Although my grandma had died 2 years before, my uncle's death was more devastating for me and my family. He had died unexpectedly and as an 8th grader I didn't know how to deal with it. This was the first time I had really experienced depression of some sort, and this combined with the death of my dog really turned my world upside down. Moving on from this was hard because I knew my uncle would never meet me as an adult, and he was the coolest person I knew.
  • The Death of my Dog Inga

    The Death of my Dog Inga
    My dog Inga had been with me since I was about 8 months old; she was the closest thing I had to a sister but as she grew older she developed dementia and arthritis and when I was in 8th grade, we had to make the hard decision of putting her down because she was suffering so much. Her death was really hard on my family because my uncle had just passed the week before. I miss her everyday and I never appreciated having a big dog when I had her, I really wish she could still be here today.
  • Won 1st Prize in Brewster's Got Talent

    Won 1st Prize in Brewster's Got Talent
    This was my freshman year, I had no expectations to win, but I had won a previous talent show with this song and thought I'd try it out again. Not only was it one of the most enjoyable performances I've done, it actually won me first prize, something I hadn't thought possible being a freshman in high school. I look forward to this every year because the camaraderie I always feel with the rest of the contestants is really awesome and it's all about supporting each other.
  • First Job!

    First Job!
    I have now been working here for over a year and a half; it has taught me a lot about managing my own money, being more independent, and having responsibility. It has also increased my social skills with strangers and the money I make allows me to buy my own stuff and not have to rely on my parents, which makes me less of a burden (lol). There have been ups and downs but every shift is a learning experience and I love that about my job.
  • Won my first award (Metro Award)

    Won my first award (Metro Award)
    This award was given to me for playing the Bird Woman in Mary Poppins; I had played this part because it gave me opportunity to be in the show and also be assistant crew chief. I would have never expected it to produce a high school theater award with my name on it! At the awards ceremony when we found out the results I had to give a speech on "live tv" and in front of an audience and to a teenager it's comparable to giving a speech at something like the Oscars, or the Emmy's.
  • Bought my First Car!

    Bought my First Car!
    I saved up for over a year to buy this car, and I put a lot of thought and research into what car I wanted to buy. Once I saw this one, I knew it was the one for me. Having my own car, paying for it and the insurance all on my own has taught me a lot about responsibility and basically "adulting". It's not only for going places, but I am able to help my family out as well by going shopping, or driving my parents places if needed.