Abbasid Revolution
I believe this is important to how Kings became so powerful was through expansion. No one could stop them so the more they had the more powerful they had become with the land they would take and rule. -
Walk to Canossa
I believe this is very important because Pope Gregory VII talked to Henry IV about who had the ride to appoint church officials and they both believed they themselves should have the power to. -
Crusades of the Holy Land
These crusades were started in an attempt to take back the Holy Land from the Muslims. Though these efforts proved unsuccessful it gave papal prestige an uplifting. -
Concordat of Worms
This differentiated the royal and spiritual powers which gave the Emperors limited roles in selecting bishops. -
Popes Tried to take spiritural power from emperors.
I believe that this is a big deal because Alexander III and other great popes start attempting to get more power from the Emperors in spiritual affairs. I believe this paves the road for other popes down the road and opens more peoples eyes as it becomes a bigger problem. -
Magna Carta
I believe that this is partially important to the rise of the pope's power because this made it so even the king himself was now able to be affected by the laws of the kingdom which meant he couldn't do absolutely everything he wanted to without consequence. -
Siege of Baghdad
This is another example of how kings or rulers would have become so powerful. When they are put into the leadership role the more they control the more power they hold. -
The Great Famine
Although this one is done in my own thought process and not straight facts I believe that this could be another reason Kings could've gained more power. Through this with all of the starvation people would've been desperate and I guarantee the Kings had no problems with this and stayed healthy while the peasants struggled and starved. -
Marriage between Ferdinand and Isabella
For them, this had made Spain an international Power which would give the kings or ruler great power and the ability to grow and conquer more as well as compete with neighboring kingdoms. Like all kings when in this position they could make rules to benefit themselves and stay in power longer. -
Columbus sails
Back to kings gaining power by land though they were originally trying to sail to Asia they ended up landing in the Caribbean and gained power as they started colonizing.