Goals in life

  • 2. Have a better relationship with my brothers

    (likely to happen)
    I want to have a better relationship with my brothers because I believe that family is one of the most important things in life and I love my family.
    First I need to have a conversation with them so we can get in agreements so none of us gets mad.
    One of the things i can do to have a better relationship with them, is to stop fighting everyday with my brothers over things that are not that important
    My brothers will have to cooperate with me in this goal.
  • 3.Get into a dance academy

    ( Possible to happen) I want to get into a dance academy because I love dancing and I will be really happy if i get in.
    First i would talk to my parents and see how much does it cost, Then i would have to applied, and if i get in, i will start dancing in the academy
  • Why is having clear goals in life important?

    It's good to have an idea of what you want to do in your future, i think you don't have to have clear what you want to do in your life at this age because i believe we are too young right now, anyways it's cool to have imagination and it's good to have goal to accomplish, because a goal motivates you to do things you want and to don't give up.
  • Goals in life.

    Project Session 1 & 2.
    Introduccion: Hello my name is Nadia Hadad Maldonado I’m 13 years old and i’m going to talk about goals in life and how I'm going to achieve them.
  • Period: to

    1.Eat healthier

    definitely happening)
    I would like to eat healthier because eating unhealthy can have serious consequences. in my body, in my organism, in the future,etc,
    First I need to talk to my parents about what kind of things i want to eat. Then we will go to the supermarket to buy those things,then I will stop eating junk food.
  • 4. Get a job

    ( possible to happen)
    I want to get a job because it's a way to start gaining my own money, and it can be a way to start being more independent.
    First i will have to find a job that doesn't require to be 18+, then i need to applied to take the job, and if they say i can have the job i will start working
  • 6. Be a lawyer

    Being a lawyer it's one of my dreams and I will be very happy if I become one.
    I would have to study, then to graduate , then to find a place to work and exercise my career
  • 5.Live In Canada

    I want to live in Canada because it's a beautiful country and I can have a better life in Canada.
    FIrst I would have to work to get my own money, when i have enough money i will see where i can live, and if i find a good place to live i will move to Canada