1.1 Timeline Assignment

By Ylime
  • Plankalkul

    Developer : Konrad Zuse
    Purpose : Used in engineering
    Name Meaning : "Plan Calculus" in german
  • Fortran

    Developer : John Backus and IBM
    Purpose : General-purpose language suited to numeric computation and scientific computing
    Name Meaning : FORmula TRANslation

    Developer : Charles Katz (directed by Grace Hopper)
    Purpose : Early programming language for UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II
    Name Meaning : None
  • Lisp

    Developer : Steve Russell
    Purpose : Originally made as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs
    Name Meaning : LISt Processor

    Developer : CODASYL, ANSI, ISO
    Purpose : A uniformed, user-friendly language for business transactions
    Name Meaning : COmmon Business Oriented Language
  • RPG

    Developer : IBM
    Purpose : A high level language for business applications
    Name Meaning : Report Program Generator

    Developer : John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz
    Purpose : An interactive, mainframe, timesharing, language
    Name Meaning : Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  • LOGO

    Developer : Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon
    Purpose : Made to teach concepts of programming that is related to Lisp
    Name Meaning : Derived from the Greek word, logos, meaning word or thought
  • B

    Developer : Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie
    Purpose : A recursive, non-numeric, machine independent applications
    Name Meaning : None

    Developer : Niklaus Wirth
    Purpose : Made for teaching structured programming
    Name Meaning : Named in honor of Blaise Pascal
  • C

    Developer : Dennis Ritchie and Bell Labs
    Purpose : General-purpose language designed for structured programming
    Name Meaning : None
  • ML

    Developer : Robin Milner and others from the University of Edinburgh
    Purpose : General-purpose, functional programming language
    Name Meaning : Meta Language
  • SQL

    Developer : Raymond Boyce and Donald Chamberlin
    Purpose : Provided platforms for database administrators and allowed application developers to perform efficiently and accurately
    Name Meaning : Used to known as SEQUAL
  • ADA

    Developer : Jean Ichibiah
    Purpose : Designed for development of very large software systems
    Name Meaning : Named after Ada Lovelace
  • C++

    Developer : Bjarne Stroustrup
    Purpose : A general-purpose programming language
    Name Meaning : Modified C language; ++ means incrementor or successor of C programming
  • Python

    Developer : Guido Van Rossum
    Purpose : Fixed problems in the ABC language, focused on readability, and syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code
    Name Meaning : Monty Python was the inspiration for the name
  • Visual Basic

    Developer : Microsoft
    Purpose : Designed for easy learning curve
    Name Meaning : None
  • Delphi

    Developer : Embarcadero Technologies
    Purpose : Rapid application development of desktop, mobile web, and console software
    Name Meaning : None
  • Java

    Developer : Team of Sun Microsystems developers lead by James Gosling
    Purpose : General-purpose language that is class-based, object oriented and designed to have as few implementation dependencies possible, wide variety of applications, intended to run on any platform that supports it without need to recompile
    Name Meaning : None
  • Javascript

    Developer : Brendan Eich
    Purpose : High-level, interpreted scripting language
    Name Meaning : None
  • PHP

    Developer : Rasmus Lerdorf
    Purpose : General-purpose programming language designed for web development
    Name Meaning : Hypertext Preprocessor