
  • 6.1a My Family

    Growing up, I always had and sill have parents who are still married and raised me while growing up, but if someone needed to watch me, my caregiver would be my grandma from my mom's side of the family. My parents only had me while growing up for almost 18 years until they had my sister before I graduated High school.
  • 5.1a Child Attachment

    When I was a baby, I had a attachment with my mom, also with others as well, but I always went to my mom or my grandma and they allowed me to explore on my own with them being there in the room and I wouldn't cry if my parents or grandma would leave, I knew they would come back to me, so I had trust in them.
  • 4.3 Language

    My first native language was English since I was born hearing then became deaf at the age of 9 months. Even after I became deaf, my parents were told that I was to be spoken, not sign at home because I could hear enough and can learn sign language when start school at a young age. My first word is unknown.
  • 4.3b Language

    I learned ASL known as American Sign Language as my second language when I loss my hearing at the age of 9 months old, but I did not speak the language till I was 3 years old when I started school early. It is unknown what my first was in Sign Language unfortunately. I was taught ASL when I entered into a school that provided ASL and such for the special needs
  • 4.1 Memory

    My First Memory as a child would be my first Vacation I went on in Disney World in Orlando Florida. I remember this vacation because I went with my family and grandparents and we had a good time and I was in love with meeting the Disney Characters and how they would come to the hotel and clean our rooms for us when we were gone. I remember this part of my life because it was after the age of 3 due to infantile memory I don't remember what happen before the age of 5.
  • 5.3aGender

    At the age of 5, I first realized my gender and that was a female because back then, I did not like wearing dresses all the time to school, and as soon as I got home I changed in to comfy clothes as you can considered as a "tomboy". I realized the style of clothing in gender was different and I knew I was a girl because I didn't like the clothing style for women but I had to wear it.
  • 4.2 Intelligence

    The 8 out of Garnder's Intelligence, I would say I excel the most on Interpersonal Intelligence because, I always preferred working alone with my work, I can focus with what needs to be done as well with visual intelligence. I excelled in these areas at the age of Kindergarten in Elementary School.
  • 6.3a Impacted by Death

    On July 9th, 2011 I woke up to the news that my papou(grandpa) has peacefully passed away due long time illness. When he passed, my entire family was affected because he had a huge influence in our family and in the community we lived in since he had his own business. We all came together to talk about the memories we had with him to grieve over his passing. We had special guest speakers at hist funeral and the community gave us lots of love and support to our family during that time.
  • 6.1b: My Birth Order

    After my sister was born when I was about to turn 18, I was an only child my parents had while growing up and they I was raised to have high expectations, I followed my parents rule in the house and after my sister being born, it has not change my personality because of the birth order. Since I was an only child for a long period of time, I have grew to become independent and responsible on my own, then when my sister was born, I was able to allow my maturity to take care of my sister when need.
  • 3.1 My Health

    At the age of 18, I stopped exercising, eating the right kind of nutrition my body needs and I let myself become overweight. This was a point of my life when I felt like my physical health was starting to become weak so I decided to start going to the gym and become a membership and started eating the right nutrition and ever since, I feel much better physically, mentally, emotionally overall.
  • 5.2 Identity

    My identity that I have faced was Identity achievement because I have face some failure in some of my classes back then but then after realizing what I did wrong, I started to actually commit to school and I improved a lot better in school and started getting on the list for the honor roll and I'm now in college studying for Bachelors in education.
  • 5.1b Adult Attachment

    My most recent relationship is my current relationship I have now and I would say the relationship would be describe under the triangular theory of love because we commit to one another, we have the warmth known as the intimacy and we have physical attraction to one another and we have very well communication between us and the trust is there.
  • 1.1 The Present -September 5th 2016

    My name is Mackenzie Goranitis and I'm known as Kenzie. I am chronological 21 years old and I turn older every year on May 10th. My biological age is around between 17-19 years old since I keep myself pretty active and eat correctly. When I was 18 years old, I graduated from high school where majority of the 4th year students here at Gallaudet have also graduated. An interesting face about me is, at the age of 7 years old, I got my first stitches on my pinky finger due to climbing the fence.
  • 3.2 Older Adult Health

    A person who has impacted me in my life was my grandpa, who had nothing but heart problems and this affected his health unconditionally. He had open heart surgery, but it always seems that it would only worsen him, he also got affected with many infections that caused him to not be able to walk anymore combining with arthritis as well. Unfortunately he not here with us anymore, because of the condition he went through and he had a huge impact on the whole family as a whole.
  • 5.3b: Sexuality

    Today, when I looked back at who I was in a relationship, I was with 2 different mens, and I'm now currently in a relationship with a women. People ask me everyday what do I identify myself as, I tell everyone, I'm no label, and love is love. I'm attracted to the soul of a person regardless of the gender.
  • 6.2 Learning Disability

    I'm currently in the process of being diagnose with ADHD which is very common known as you may not be able to focus for periods of time, constantly on the move, lack of attention and could interfere with other relationships. It been affecting me in the classroom to not stay with full attention, sometimes when I'm talking to my friends, i don't give them 100 percent attention because I see something else going on and this can lead to ending important conversations.
  • 2.1 Fertility

    I am 24 years old as well is my partner. I, the female, my partner the male is trying to become pregnant but it has failed. The first time we tried, it failed so we tried again but didn't work out, We have came to the conclusion the teratogen cause for not being able to become pregnant is because of maternal stress. So me and my partner have considered adoption, and try one more time, if it doesn't succeed then we have considered going to the genetic counselor and discuss our issues.
  • 6.3b My Death

    June 18th, 2085, Mackenzie Goranitis died peacefully at her home. When I die, I want for my family to have a calling hours, where they can have a chance to say goodbye, before I get cremated and let me go where where they feel they can let their soul run free.