2.1 Oxidative Damage
In order to prevent aging by sunlight, I would come up with something for every newborn to have other "skin" that prevents sun to get through to avoid wrinkles and aging to ensure free radicals. Sunblock is not the best solution because we do not use it all the time. It is better if we just do it right away once we are borned. What I would use is an natural like soil mixed with liquid which will become "cream" for our skin and it will stay on our body for the rest of our lives. -
4.4- Childhood Attachment Experiences
12 years ago I met two of my best friends, and we were really close. They are the only friends that I would go through everything with. We would join eachother's family holidays/vacations. That is how close we are and our support system are champ. They are my safe haven, my secure base. My relationship with them taught me alot and has alot of influences on how I become selective with friendships and partner to make sure we will be loyal to eachother. -
2.2 Genetic Limits
Designing a drug for us to take, once we pee and we can see the results how danger we are in when it comes to chronic disease. If we pee something blue, that means we are in risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Then, we will have to take another kind of pill that will boost our telomeres.We should start concerning about our diet once we are in our late teens, because that is when we will start to eat junk food on our own without parent supervising us at the all times. -
7.2- Transitions
According to my childhood attachment experiences 4.4 are perfect example of my transition from conformist to individualstic since they were my backbone and we do everything together but as we get older and we have our own life since our path drifted away but we till remain close. It is just part of adulting. It is interesting to notice the changes. -
7.3- Major Life Events
Change in financial state is one of my biggest changes that happened recently. When I decided to live off campus since living on campus was not good for me. I start paying for my rent which changed my budget greatly. I was broke almost middle of the month everytime . I didnt get to go out n have fun that much like I do which makes me a little isolated. I had to learn how to give up things in order to accomplish my goals. I knew my problems. I handled it by learning how to budget better. -
2.3 My currently healthy lifestyle
My currently healthy lifestyle is not pretty. I do not eat enough servings of fruits and vegtables, and I do eat sweets more than I should. However, I exercrise pretty well and often but not always more than 150 minutes. There are times I would limit myself when it comes to alcohol per night. In order to improve my healthy lifestyle, I hope to learn how to stick with eating more healthy food and less drinking. Also, I need to force myself to use sunscreen because I never do. -
4.3- Adult Attachment Style
My attachment style is pretty secure, the score was high than the average score. I believe it is very accurate since my support system have always been great. I know I will always have my close ones to rely on if anything happens to me. They are very supportive and will be there for me no matter what. Which matches the figure that my family/friend network will mostly remains the same, however friend network might do decline in later as if I have my own family and a husband to go to. -
7.1- Fowler
After learning 4 different stages, my faith is more conjunctive since I always find a balance in life and remain understanding to make things less complicated for me. Life is hard enough already and I do not need to let my unecessary thoughts to influence my purpose of life. My purpose of life is to enjoy and embrace the way it is. There are alot of things I can be disappointed about life but I chose to accept the truth and appericate while I can. That is kind of my faith which are almost same. -
4.1- Young Adult Role Transitions
My role transition is currently happening as I became a girlfirned to the love of my life. I used to be single and completely independent. But I know 2 months from now, I am going to be living with my boyfriend. My social roles will change alot as we will share responsibilites togehter. We will have to communicate well so we can understand what we both want the same or different. This is a process of becoming adult by moving into a new place together and building our realtionship. -
6.1- My RIASEC type
Social are placed as my highest score for my RIASEC result , and Realstic & Conventional was ranked as lowest. Yes, Social is more me. I am very people person. I love helping people, espcially working w young children. I am very understanding, helpful, tactiful, sociable, and ethical which fits the traits of Social. The careers opportunites for Social are listed as nannies, kindergarden teachers, and child care workers, which fits my interests since I am majoring in Psychology and minor in FCS. -
1.1 The Beginning
I believe I will feel like an adult once I turn 23 years old and graduating. I will have to look for a job, find a house, and start paying bills on my own. My parents is still supporting me while I am in college and studying. My roles will change once I am finished with college. I will be taking care of my responsibilities and making decisions on my own. I will become more independent than dependent which applies to Normative Aged-Graded theory relating to social. -
6.2- Super's Stages
I believe when I am in my 30's where I should already experiencing Super's Five Stages of Career Development- Establishment where I will countine working as a presechool teacher or a counselor. My experiences and skill will increase during that stage as it will be probably my 10 years of experience which is pretty long enough to be expert in your career field before going into Maintenace stage where I know it is part of my career lifestyle. -
6.3- Self-Aware
In one of the video interview demostrated self-aware, one of the classmates' grandma is a housewife and she is aware that she did not have a career but she rasied her 3 children and they turned out wonderful people. She cant be any more prouder than that. She knew she did not bring the money to the table yet she didnt let that define who she is as a person as a mother. She is satisfied with her life being a housewife and raising her children. Myself, I always want to be a housewife. -
2.4- Potential consequences of my lifestyle
I am concerned about the fact that I eat a lot of sweets, which could cause cardiovascular disease (diabetes). Also, I could get cancer due to lack of fruits/vegtables, excessive use of alcohol, and not using sunscreen. I am not worried about obesity, because I stay activated most of the time, that is the only thing in my currently lifestyle that will prevent me from having some of risks when I age. -
6.4- Conscientious
In one of video demostrate a great example of conscientious, one of my classmates' grandpa was dead for a while then return to alive. After experincing being dead has an huge impact on him, he never take life for granted and believed in God more than ever. He start to embrace life more than ever. He had create his own ideals of what life is all about. He is family person, the society and its problems does not bother him. Even when it comes to his health deceling, he still find everything beauty. -
3.2- Prospective memory
I have guess that my prospective memory will decline completly when I am around 60's, because I think I already have some signs as I barely can remember what to do next unless I write it down on a paper to remind myself. It could affect both my activities and instruemental activities of daily living due to forgetting to paid bills or to not burn the food. -
8.1- The End
Brooke Nicole Frank, 79, died July 21 with family by her side at her favorite spot at her beachhouse in south of California.
She enjoys working with young children and cooking and adventures with her family.
At her request, memorial service will be held at the spot and will be simple and sweet to remember all the happy times. Contact Mr. Frank for more details. -
4.2- Older Adult Role Transitions
I have a guess that around 90 my role from indenpendent will change to becoming a care receiver. I will not be able to take care of myself as my health declines as I age. I do not want to end up in a nursing home or having my own children taking care of me which I wont allow them to do so. I want to remain in my house and have a nurse come by to check on me and assist me with what I need help with. That is a big scary change that will eventually happen one day, indeed. -
3.1- Problem solving
By age 90, I believe my levels of thinking will decline, so therefore my skill in problem solving will be not the same. That is what happened with my great-grandma when was around 90 years old, this could be a genetic factor. She wasnt able to figure out bills which impact her IADLs or how to cope any situation that happened to her. I believe that it could happen to me too with my skill in problem solving when I am around 90 years old.