2.1 Oxidative Damage
Based on the theory, I thought of an solution which it will be vaccines for people to take to prevent air pollution, skin damage from the sun, and radiation from x-rays and etc. These kind of releases do accompanies aging in people, so it's highly encouraged for new born babies to get this kind of vaccine along with chicken-pox. When babies grow up, they will not able to inhale the bad air pollution and being exposed by the radiation. -
4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences
My childhood experiences that might contribute my attachment styles would be my family moral values, I do remember growing up seeing my family staying together close as one, and my parents do fight sometimes but at one point, it got ugly where they wanted to divorce and I remember me as a kid trying to help both in naive way. But my parents eventually stay together and love each other still to today. That's how my attachment style got into, from my family's values. -
7.3 Major Life Event
One of my major life events would be discovering about my mental health issues which I discovered that I do have anxiety and depression which I've been struggling with for many years but wasn't able to identify or understand what is it and why am I doing this. I eventually learn how to cope with my anxiety and depression, I would cope by venting to someone or doing physical activities to burn my energy out. I do like social coping a lot because I get to see other people's perspectives. -
7.2 Transitions
From conformist to individualistic transition impacts me the most because I'm in this phase where I'm going to college and I'm not staying with my family anymore. This is when I started to ask myself many things and what am I supposed to believe in. Until I took a course and it talks about psychology of religion and spirituality, this course impacted me in many ways and the class and this transition helps me to get ready for next stage because I get to find a 'meaning system' to believe in. -
2.3 My Current Healthy Lifestyle
After doing the survey, I can see how healthy I am. I think I'm pretty healthy for a decent college student who does eat fruits and vegetables sometimes but not often. Since I'm a redheaded and have fair skin, I'm supposed to use sunscreen daily. There's several changes I should make for a healthier lifestyle. To change my habit, I need to eat more vegetables daily and cut junk food. I do exercise a lot during the week but there's no exercising routine which I should have a routine. -
4.3 Adult Attachment Style
After taking both tests and looking back into my experiences with my romantic partners. My attachment style is definitely secure but according to the website my attachment is low-avoidance secure which I do attach with others easily but not often but that is not because I'm afraid to get hurt but often have different moral values or beliefs where it leads to being on different page. My attachment and mindset are pretty much blend because I would love to have someone to satisfy life. -
7.1 Fowler
According to Fowler's stages of faith, I feel like conjunctive faith development fits me the best because I have the desire of self-actualization where I visualize myself working in one career field in the future which I'm going to graduate from college in few years and this stage is when you analyze things about yourself and find what you truly want to do and things you love to do. -
4.1 Young Adult Role Transition
Today is when I completed my undergraduate education and that's when I will move out from my parents' home and probably start my graduate education right there and finding a place and roommates. The challenges I will face would be financial issues because in this transition, I may have to look for a car and even a place to live so I may be stressed and figuring out how to manage the budget well. But to cope with this, I could save up every month in ahead of time and set up an emergency fund. -
1.1 The Beginning
Based on social and psychological age- I do feel I'm an adult right now but I've decided to set this event date to see when I will grow into an adult who will handle the responsibilities. Based on normative age-graded influences, my thoughts about being an adult is when you have those kind of duties and maybe have a job, car or house as well which it's heavily based on my social clock thinking. But as spiritually I do think in your 20s is the period when you are thinking about your worth. -
6.1 My RIASEC Type
According to my RIASEC results, my top three traits: social, investigative, and realistic. Based on the test, the jobs were given on the list and some of them are pretty fitting but some of them are not. Neuropsychologist is most fitting of all because I used to want to become a neuropsychologist. But later, I started to see myself as a school psychologist, and there's not many deaf school psychologists who able to help with deaf children and that's my 'heavily' social trait. -
6.2 Super's Stages
This is when I'm going into establishment stage with my career. As a school psychologist and probably a young one with different perspectives on mental health especially with children. My establishment stage in this career would be adding new ideas, methods, and perspective with the faculty/administration of a school. Because often we missed the symptoms of mental health issues in children. -
6.4 Conscientious
Individualistic Stage is when many people started to do things for themselves such as pursuing their career and focus on what they really want like setting up a business. Especially with grandparents or any elder people who did have several jobs for experience purposes but then until they are able to find a career that they want to pursue in for a long time/period. -
2.4 Potential Consequences of My Lifestyle
The first potential health issues I noticed was exercising related. Even though I do exercise for more than 150 minutes per week but there's no routine. In Lifestyle section (pg. 85) it mentions about aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise. If I arrange my exercise schedule to be a routine including with aerobics and muscle-strengthening exercise, it will boosts up my health lifestyle in the future by feeling good about myself, feeling strong physically and well-being. -
4.2 Older Adult Role Transition
Today would be the date when my kids are off to college which I would go through an 'empty nest' syndrome where the house would be mostly empty but probably just me and my spouse which I would be transiting as a older adult role because I would start getting out with my friends or even traveling the world with my spouse. The challenges may be experiencing some kind of depression and feeling empty but to cope with empty nest syndrome, you have to keep yourself busy and make plans as well. -
6.3 Generativity
This is the age I would be in the generativity stage since I get older and I value other things much more than I ever did before. For instance, pursuing education and telling youths to value their education as much as they can! Education is a beautiful thing but it's up to them to take and value it or not. For the next generation, many elders often telling them to value their education and that's probably because in their time, they didn't have a lot of access to education such as technology. -
3.1 Working Memory
This is the estimated date when I decline my working memory abilities that involves the speed and accuracy of my cognitive processing. During my peak years, I do memorize very well but later I would forgot taking medications, important dates such as bills to pay, and organizing errands I need to do. I would need some help to remind me. Technology nowadays are getting better everyday which the reminders that will remind you at that exact moment would be very helpful. -
2.2 Genetics Limits
Based on replicative senescence theory, the cells would dividing and produce slowly and less when you are getting older. In 2065, the researchers just invented a new medicine that multiples the cells and it's ideal for elderly people when the cells begin dividing and producing to meet the normal level of cell production. Because the immune system and other body functions will maintain strong if they have enough cells to divide and multiply. -
8.1 The End
In loving memory of Elizabeth "Eliza" Rae Linstaedt and often called "Ez", a loving mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend of many. Eliza was born on July 15, 1998 in Minnesota and died on October, 12, 2068 from a heart attack. She was passionate in sports, work as a school psychologist, and sacrificed most of her free time to contribute to many organizations such as Towerclock club, student body government, and a sorority. She was a fierce and energetic soul that often brings the loud vibe. -
3.2 Attention
When I turned 80, that's when I think I would decline my ability to do ADLs such as dressing, bathing, and mobility began to declines and is not at the peak anymore. Which I would need an extra help for that. Nursing home could be a great option but it depends on the quality of the service or your close family member may able to help around with those needs. Like my grandma when she had her hip replacement at the age of 85 and she was very stubborn lady but she eventually need an extra hand.