1.1 Entering Adolscence
I entered my adolescence early, I would think at probably around age eleven to twelve. I was going through puberty and had hormones raging. I wanted a relationship and I went through many things with my friends such as conflicts and had different kind of conversations compared to childhood. I was definitely smarter to due to abstract thinking. I did go through things of what the book stated about. I do miss being an adolescence sometimes because of the personal growth experience. -
1.2 Emerging Adulthood
I would say I emerged into adulthood when I was 18 to 19. I was going through a different world which was with hearing people. I experimented with new experiences at that age which impacted my identity as a person. I desired a relationship at that time compared to adolescence. I wanted to be with someone because I was an expressive person. My emotions were ups and downs. I had more responsibility/independence at that time as well. Transition was a little different to me compared to the book. -
2.1 Late Maturer
I would say that I was a late maturer because I didn't have my growth spurt until I was like sixteen. I am glad I was a late maturer since I was an observant learner so I learned many things while my other friends were going through puberty. I was sexually matured way before sixteen though. I think I was a late maturer because I come from Chinese descendants and they usually mature later than Caucasian people. Also after sixteen I had my curiosity/exploration so I am glad I matured later. -
2.2 Niche-Picking
My genotype consist phenotypes from both of my parents. My appearances and hobbies are more linked to my father while my personality is more linked to my mother. The environment I'm choosing is playing baseball. It was my niche-picking because my father played baseball while growing up but now he's an umpire. So my skills and enjoyment probably came from my father's genes. Playing baseball has contributed me to being an athlete. I was compatible to play baseball because of my father's gene. -
3.1 - Imaginary Audience
When I was 11(2001), I was an online gaming addict. I had my egocentrism through one of my role-playing online game character character so I used the character to gain attention from the other players because I was so good in the game. I am also sure online gaming has increased my ability in formal operational thinking because of what I experienced through interacting in the online world. I had risk-taking behavior and felt a sense of invulnerability in the game because I was behind a monitor. -
3.2 - Differentiation
Differentiation happens when you're in a different environment with different people. When I am at home, I communicate with my hearing parents verbally even though if they sign but it's just a habit of mine. When I am with other hearing people who signs. I don't communicate with them verbally but through sign language. But, with people who struggle in sign language then I will sometimes try to speak and sign at the same time with them depending which situation or environment that I am in. -
3.3 - Social Comparison
Adolescents are more likely to admit that they compare because of course no one likes to be a copycat. That's what it was like in high school for me which was from 2004-2009. I would compare with others with many different things such as clothes, what's cool, what's normal, what's right or wrong, and so on. I think it's helpful to compare yourself with others to explore what you really want even though you're not being yourself because in the end you will eventually learn and find yourself. -
4.1 - Gender Typed Behavior
When I was 14 to 17 which was from 2004 to 2007. At lunch time at school, the boys always went to the gym to play floor hockey. There was practically never a girl that played with us because the boys were being very aggressive in playing hockey. We would do body checks and slash against the opposite teams. Thus, the girls never wanted to play with us because either they were afraid to get hurt or hockey was a "boy" sport. It was a real good time though I miss playing floor hockey with my boys. -
4.2 - Non-Gender Typed Behavior
When I first entered high school when I was 14 which was in 2004. I remember this so vividly because I've never seen anything like that happen. It was the first week of school and I was going to grab food at cafeteria and suddenly I see two girls screaming at each other then it became physical aggression which was punching and pulling each other's hair. It was first violent thing I've actually seen with my eyes. I was also only 14 and I've never seen any fights before that so I was surprised. -
6.1 - Parent Adolescent Conflict
When I was 16 which was in 2006, I was going through major social changes. Before that I was an online gamer then all of suddenly I started to go out and stay out until late couple of nights per week. My mom wasn't too pleased about that because I kept coming home late or not come home until the next day and getting her worried all the time. She had her expectations of me coming home earlier but I was rebellious about that. We had our conflicts about that for a while until she could trust me. -
6.3 - Stimulation
I was friends with that person since I was 3 and he's 2 years older than I am. We are still close friends to this day. That's from 1993 to 2016 which means that is 23 years of friendship. We always stimulate each other with different kinds of conversation that makes us think. We also are very adventurous so we will make plans together to get together with other friends and go on a back country adventure such as 4x4ing and camping. Being adventurous makes me excitied and gives me amusement. -
6.2 - Companionship
When I was 10 to 16 which was back in 2000 to 2006, I was an extreme online computer gamer. I had a friend of mine from kindergarten and when I was 10, I convinced him to join online gaming with me and he did. He was my best friend at that time and he was always playing online games with me. I knew I could rely on him if I needed a partner to play online and he would always be down. We used to always go to computer cafe to play online games together there. These were awesome memories! -
7.1 - Transition to High School
Where I am from, there is no middle school. So I transitioned from elementary to high school in the 8th grade which was in 2004 and I was 14. I did not really experience the top-dog phenomenon though because I actually fit in well in my high school due to my friends. I appreciated high school because I became independent using the public transportation on my own on the very first day of school. I also had plenty of exploration and experiences in high school that I wouldn't take for granted. -
7.2 - Transition to College
I graduated high school in 2009 and went to college in 2012 when I was 22. I had 3 years break of school so I was very excited and looking forward going into college and it did not disappoint me. I truly enjoyed my freshman year at Gally. Again, I didn't feel the top-dog phenomenon because I was one of the oldest among the freshman class. I didn't feel any relief of no parental monitoring because I lived on my own after high school. It was one of best decision I made in my life going to Gally. -
7.3 - Intrinsic Motivation
I am very curious person so that's where my intrinsic motivation of learning came from. Curiosity is my motivation in everything. In elementary school, I was always curious about everything so I wanted to learn about everything in school until late high school. My curiosity of learning shifted into curiosity of exploration. I wasn't motivated in school but motivated in going on adventures and experiencing new things. The downside of being curious all the time is that I get bored very easily. -
8.1 - Rites of Passage
My view on rites of passage is when someone gains knowledge, responsibility, and experience. My rites of passage was when I went through experimentation stages with drugs and alcohol between 2006 to 2008 when I was 16 to 18. My valuable experiences did gain my knowledge and responsibility for my life. I wouldn't take that experience back so I felt like it was my rites of passage since I transitioned from this person to this new person. Some people do view experimentation as rites of passage.