
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    I remember when I was in pre-teen hit by a puberty and change growth spurt. First thing I thought I would keep same of when I used be age of kid it would be nothing change. Until I got a first period, I was freak out and don't know what should I do . I thought I was injury however my mom decided recuse to explanation of education of growth spurt. I made a connect about storm and stress view to my experience because when I was starting adolescent I was in emotional distress with my mom.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    When I was around 20 years old and becoming an adult, I didn't know how to file tax information obligations/responsibility. My mom didn't want to teach me because she thought it would be the right thing for me to learn to be independent without help. Honestly, I was struggling a lot at that moment, and the sentence had too many strong words for me. I was also worried that if I provided incorrect information, I might risk getting into trouble.