
  • 8.1 Rite of Passage

    8.1 Rite of Passage
    I grew up in Catholic church and I got baptized when I was a baby. Not only that, there are some rites of passage I've done in my life such as baptized, first holy communication, and confirmation. I remembered I got confirmation with my brother when I was around age of 16 years old. The confirmation I had to responsibility to help others, help parents, working church in the community in order to requirement for the confirmation. We had a ceremony at the church and celebrated with loved ones.
  • 3.1 Social Cognition

    3.1 Social Cognition
    I remembered I grew up in India, Imaginary audience involves attention-getting behavior, stared at me all day. For example, they were watching me and behind me back that I wore hearing aids and I talked different because I'm deaf. I was unsure why they were like that because I was different than them. Formal operational thinking has contributed to those my thoughts, there is nothing wrong with being deaf and let them stare at me because don't let them stop me. Just ignore and move forward.
  • 4.1 Gender Intensification

    4.1 Gender Intensification
    The Gender intensification theory is a behavioral difference between boys and girls face increased pressure to conform to masculine and feminine gender roles. I remembered my experience of early adolescent with my girls and always get together with girls only because we knew that we labeled us stereotypical female or male roles. For example, boys tend to play sports while girls like to chill, get together, adventures in school. In the school, boys and girls are separate sitters.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    1.1 Entering Adolescence
    That's when I first became identity an adolescent. I think it is what made me an adolescent that I identify me as an Indian first, not deaf. I grew up with brown people, cultures, and values. I didn't think of being deaf myself even though I know I was different than others. I moved to America when I was 12 years old and I found my identity that I have multicultural identity. That's when I realized that my identity exploration was a translation to a change in my personality.
  • 2.2 Niche-picking

    2.2 Niche-picking
    As I grew up in India, I wasn't interested in anything until I attended the deaf school. I found something interesting I can I can seek out environment that match who I am and looking for find my passion what I want. For example, I tried out on sports and dance, I played roles and loved it. Also I used not like to cook because of cultural things but I just realized that I started to like cook because it is fun to learn cook in general. That' may occur change in different environment.
  • 2.1 Maturational Timing

    2.1 Maturational Timing
    When I hit my puberty when I was 14 years old. I was considered to be late maturer because when I got a period I didn't feel cramps or ache. None of these I feel like that and my growth sprut included breasts, weight, height, etc didn't start growing until high school. I believe my hormones started to hit me in college because I started dating a guy and had feeling maturation, that when I realized that my puberty started it eventually but late maturer is still a good thing.
  • 6.2 Ego Support

    6.2 Ego Support
    I chose ego support because I have the best supportive friend. Her name is Vada. She always be there for me and her support bringing out the best in each other in supportive relationship. For example, whenever I was feeling down or feeling something is off. She can tell sense from me and came to me immediately and cheered me up even thought she didn't ask me what was wrong or wanted to know what was going on but she was waiting for me say something instead of asking me questions.
  • 6.3 Intimacy/Affection

    6.3 Intimacy/Affection
    I'm more likely intimacy/affection into relationship with my partner and family. I do have affection for my family because family is family. I can't live without them. As intimacy relationship, I love holding hands, cuddling, kissing, etc. It doesn't mean to have to be sexual or romantic. It can also be friends and family. I like to provide more warm, close, trusting relationship with my partner who I'm dating him for 9 years. We're ready to married next year which we are so happy!
  • 7.1 Transition from High School to College

    7.1 Transition from High School to College
    I went to a college in a different state and I felt so independent, that what I needed because as my parents won't let me go somewhere when I was in high school. I felt grow up when transiting to college because I had to do it myself and interacted with peers from more diverse and more diverse backgrounds were the best feeling and inclusive me to better understanding. College experience was more stress and overwhelmed because of study. But at the end, always happy with social peers.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    1.2 Emerging Adulthood
    I grew up in strict parents, I have experienced with troubled childhood, they never let me hangout with friends. I've been isolated almost all of my life. That's why I decided to go to RIT in New York. I think I first became an adult when I got out of home and realized that I was an adult when I was in first year of college, to the point where I started to become responsibility to be alone and pay bills. Becoming an adult helps me to become a better person because friendships.
  • 7.3 Intrinsic Motivation

    7.3 Intrinsic Motivation
    I believe sports did the intrinsic motivation come from, not only sports that, but there are also motivation such as new language, cooking, good grades, education, avoid parental disapproval. Those intrinsic motivation taught me by peers, school and parents. Good grades motivated me achievement because I want to be a good career and show proud I am. I believe self-determination, I'm doing something for my own reason, not not I want to be success or rewards. I want to be a good responsibility.
  • 3.2 Abstraction and Idealism

    3.2 Abstraction and Idealism
    I was always thinking about how perfection I am and would become a real self. I was obtained to get a degree in Information Technology, I had a feeling that I would get a better job but ended up, it wasn't expect than I thought because Job hiring was discrimination against me and Computer office wasn't my thing and wasn't into my passion. That when I know it was possibly unrealistic. Everything just happened but it is a good thing because self-understand is part of our life.
  • 3.3 Self-Awareness

    3.3 Self-Awareness
    When I graduated when I was 22 years old. I started to more self awareness because I involved in many programs and met a lot of people where I started to learn a lot about it. For example, set boundaries, respect others, action plan, ask the right questions, help others, growth mindset, embrace myself and many more. Those lists help me to become a better person because I went to a college in different state which was new experiences for me. If I didn't, I would be the same and feeling isolation.
  • 6.1 Parent Adolescent Conflict

    6.1 Parent Adolescent Conflict
    My parents were more likely have authoritarian and authoritative parenting. I would say both applied to my parents. I had several conflicts with my parents but think about what did they to me was good raising me but at the same time, they were too protective, expectations, control on me which is unnecessary. Later, as older, they were still the same, I fed up because it is time to change and fighting for my rights and we eventually started secure attachment style for now. They are more open.
  • 7.2 Transition from College to Work

    7.2 Transition from College to Work
    Transiting to work, it can enter careers that will earn income because of support bills and families. Transiting to work is often a difficult one because many students are poorly prepared for specific jobs, including me as well because I thought Information Technology would be continue my career and found my training but I realized it wasn't what I wanted. I shifted to another job what I wanted and found passion I wanted to be an ASL teacher. Have better connected with each other.