08.01 - I Am Malala: Timeline

  • Taliban leader begins Radio broadcasting

    Maulana Fazalullah, Taliban leader of Swat Valley, sets up over 30 illegal radio stations to broadcast his messages about women in Pakistan and their rights in society. There was widespread opposition against any active roles (including education) for women in Swat Valley Pakistan.
  • Operation Rah-e-Haq

    Phase one of operation Rah-e-Haq, better known as the Battle of Swat, involving Swat Valley police against the TNSM begins. This operation was a war against the Taliban and Pakistan battling over control of the Swat District of Pakistan.
  • Thousands flee Swat Valley

    The Taliban and military begin increasingly strengthening their operation in Swat Valley; destroying the city and forcing thousands of Swat Valley people to flee for safety.
  • Peace in Swat Valley

    Taliban military under Fazalullah in the Swat District sign a 16-point peace agreement with the NWFP government. This agreement forces them to disband their military and back down with their operations.
  • Malala Yousafzai gives her first speech in support of women's education

    Malala Yousafzai, aged only 11 years old, sparks the movement and conversation in support of education for women in Pakistan in giving a speech at a press club in Peshawar on September 1st, 2008.
  • Taliban bans women from attending school

    Taliban militants begin to blow up over 100 girls schools in Swat Valley in an attempt to ban women from attending school; claiming it violates the beliefs of Islam.
  • Women's education ban lifted by Taliban leader

    Taliban leader, Maulana Fazlulla announces a lift on the women's education ban made earlier in the year. Girls can now attend school again, only if they wear burquas.
  • Pakistani people begin evacuating Swat Valley

    As terror rises over the people of Swat Valley, it becomes apparent that the Taliban is planning an attack on Swat Valley. In preparation, thousands evacuate the city and live with relatives away from home. Malala Yousafzai escapes as well, living with distant family members during the attacks.
  • Taliban begins second battle of Swat Valley

    Extremist Taliban begin to attack Swat Valley, leaving the town destroyed. Many citizens of Pakistan are becoming increasingly anxious of the Taliban and their power over the people.
  • Osama Bin Laden is captured & killed

    US Navy captures Osama Bin Laden after years of search. Bin Laden is then killed, resulting in a short fall (with little impact) of Al Qaeda. Bin Laden's death strikes the people of Pakistan to reality of what is happening even outside of their country; Malala is concerned for the safety of herself and her people.
  • Malala Yousafzai is attacked

    On her way home from school, a Taliban member attacked Malala, shooting her and landing her in extensive care outside of her country. This attack was a result of Malala speaking up against the Taliban in encouragement of girl's rights to education. This event became yet another reason for fear to strike the people of Pakistan, as someone who many supported and looked to for faith and hope had been nearly assassinated. Many women feared for their lives - and their rights.
  • Government puts out reward & warrant for the arrest of Malala's attacker

    In October of 2012, just days after the attack of Malala Yousafzai, Pakistan government issues a $105,000 reward for the arrest of Malala's attacker. Millions of people from around the world offer Malala and the other women of Pakistan their hope, love and neveredning support.