Robot number 1 13


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    The Spanish American War(Apr 21, 1898 – Aug 13, 1898)

    The Spanish American War(Apr 21, 1898 – Aug 13, 1898)
    Cubans began to fight for their independence from Spain in 1895. Newspaper publishers like William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer worked up war fever among the public with reports of Spanish atrocities against Cuban rebels. On February 1898 an explosion sank the USS Maine in Havana harbor. A naval court of inquiry blamed the explosion on a mine, further inflaming public sentiment against Spain. After ten days of debate, Congress declared war, but only after adopting the Teller Amendment.
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    The Philippine American War 1899 – 1902

     The Philippine American War 1899 – 1902
    On 1898, a young Filipino general named Emilio Aguinaldo, proclaimed Philippine independence and established Asia’s first republic. He hoped that the Philippines would become a US protectorate, but pressure on President William McKinley to annex the Philippines was intense. On February 1899, fighting erupted between American and Filipino soldiers. American commanders hoped for a short conflict, but in the end more than 70,000 fought in the archipelago.
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    The Philippine American War 1899 – 1902

     The Philippine American War 1899 – 1902
    On June 12, 1898, a young Filipino general, Emilio Aguinaldo, proclaimed Philippine independence and established Asia’s first republic. He had hoped that the Philippines would become a US protectorate, but pressure on President William McKinley to annex the Philippines was intense. On February 4, 1899, fighting erupted between American and Filipino soldiers. American commanders hoped for a short conflict, but in the end more than 70,000 fought in the archipelago.
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    U.S Senate Debates Over Imperialism(1899-1903)

    U.S Senate Debates Over Imperialism(1899-1903)
    Debates in the US Senate concerning the ratification of the 1898 Treaty of Paris focused on imperialism. Opponents worried that the treaty would make the US a “vulgar, commonplace empire, controlling subject races and vassal states, in which one class must forever rule and other classes must forever obey.”
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    Open Door Policy 1899-1900

    Fearful of a weakened China being divided among European economic interests, Secretary of State Hay sent a note to each of the powers that had acquired spheres of influence. In the note Hay asked that they not discriminate against the trade of other countries (to keep the door open).