Foto1 zita martins

Zita Martins - Participation in space missions

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    Post-Doc responsible for developing detection methods of organic compounds for the Urey instrument, which was then short-listed to fly on the ExoMars mission.

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    2010-present Co-I of the OREOcube space mission. In the implementation phase for installation on the ISS.

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    Co-chair of the Astrobiology Working Group of the MarcoPolo-R space mission. The asteroid sample return mission was shortlisted for ESA’s Cosmic Vision program (M3).

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    Co-I of the EXOcube space mission. Selected by ESA for the definition phase.

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    Member of the core team of the Joint Europa Mission (JEM) space mission concept.

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    Co-Leader of the Akon Europa Moon penetrator space mission concept.