general election march and july
On March 1990 the General elections were held. On July 1990 the government lifted the 25 year old state of emergency. No exact date -
Zimbabwe became republic. -
Cholera Epidemic.
The first cases of a cholera epidemic were reported from within the Tongogara Refugee Camp in Manicaland. No exact date. -
Robert mugabe
No exact date but robert mugabe Threttens to expell white landowners to force them to give up their land for redistribution to black Zimbabweans. -
1995 to 1997
The Zimbabwe Supreme Court ruled in favor of Strive Masiyiva to set up a cell phone bussiness. The Supreme Court ruled an issued decree against private ellular networks by Presedent Mugabe unconstitutional. -
Nurses strike.
Over 11,000 nurses went on strike for higher wages and better working conditions. -
Nurses on strike.
The government had fired at least 11,00 nurses nearly all of them for defieing an order to end the strike. -
Zimbabwean activists
South African activist began legal bid to compel South Africa to investigate and prosecute citizins of Zimbabwe who were suspected of crimes against humanity. -
Anglican Christians a Zimbabwe Mainstream took their cathedral in Harae after a lockout of more than five years staged by an excommunicated breakaway bishop who had claimed loyalty to the presidents party and used loyalist police to keep people out. -
High Court
The High Court ordered the immediate release of prominent rights lawyer named Beatrice Mtetwa detained for eight days for obstucting the course of justice.