
  • Period: to


    By Abby & Kyle
  • End of World War II

    End of World War II
    World War II Ends, United Kingdom still controls the country of Zimbabwe known today.
  • ZAPU is Formed

    ZAPU is Formed
    In 1961, Joshua Nkomo formed the Zimbabwe African's People Organization(ZAPU). It was then split by the Zimbabwe African National Union(ZANU), in 1963.
  • ZAPU and ZANU Fight Back

    ZAPU and ZANU Fight Back
    In 1976, ZAPU and ZANU took up arms against the government. They also allied themselves with the Patriotic Front(PF).
  • Independence

    Zimbabwe gains independence from United Kingdom
  • Mugabe Reelection

    Mugabe Reelection
    Mugabe, the dictator leader of Zimbabwe, was reelected in 1990. The vote was 78.3% in his favor.
  • National Anthem

    National Anthem
    Zimbabwe's national anthem was adopted in 1994. It is called "Blessed Be the Land of Zimbabwe."
  • Land Acquisition Act

    Land Acquisition Act
    The Land Acquisition Act was passed in 1994. This controversial act made the government buy half of the commercial farming land owned by whites in Zimbabwe.
  • Economy

    Most of country's money was lost from war with Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Tsvangirai

    Tsvangirai was arrested for treason in 2003, for attempting to assassinate Zimbabwe's leader, Mugabe.
  • Inflation

    By May 2006, the economy had got even worse. Year-on-year inflation was up to 1,000%.
  • Sharing Agreement

    Sharing Agreement
    In 2009, a sharing agreement was made for Mugabe and Tsvangirai. Mugabe was president, and Tsvangirai was the Prime Minister.
  • Election Change

    Election Change
    In 2011, Mugabe and Tsvangirai had a feud because Tsvangirai believed that Mugabe violated the power sharing agreement. Then, Mugabe changed the election date to be in 2012--a year earlier than they were supposed to be.