
Future of Humanity (Turmoil Index #1)

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    2024 Summer Olympics

    The 2024 Summer Olympics are held in Paris, France. The United States wins the most medals overall, marking their eighth successive placement at the top of the final Summer Games medal table.
  • Indo-Pakistani conflict

    Indo-Pakistani conflict
    A border skirmish in the disputed Jammu-Kashmir region between India and Pakistan escalates into a full war, with implications being dire as both belligerents possess nuclear weapons, and their willingness to use them is portrayed multiple times throughout the tense conflict. China sends military aid to Pakistan, and backs their position in hopes of weakening India's influence in Asia. The USA on the other hand, backs India, as well as most Western nations, solidifying India's ties with them.
  • Indonesian Capital Relocation

    Indonesian Capital Relocation
    With Indonesia's former capital, Jakarta, facing many issues like contributing to Java-centric views, earthquakes, and sinking, the President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, makes an official decree to transfer the capital of Indonesia to the recently constructed metropolis of Nusantara on the island of Borneo, a more stable city.
  • Pakistani Civil War

    After only a month of fighting an intense conflict, Pakistan begins to fall apart in disarray. Soon enough, rebels in the Balochistan region begin a violent independence movement, and as India begins annexing territory, the Taliban controlled Afghanistan begins invading Pakistan too. Islamabad would end up falling, with Balochistan becoming independent, Afghanistan taking territory west of the Indus River and India to the East.
  • Afghanistan retrieves nuclear weapons

    During the Pakistani Civil War, the Taliban would seize the Masroor Air Base near Karachi, an installation containing nuclear weapons. The warheads are transferred to Kabul, where the Taliban keep their nuclear stockpile a secret up until the revelation is made by special forces that the Masroor Air Base has been ransacked of their nuclear warheads. Sanctions are immediately placed on Afghanistan by the U.S. and allies, and the DHS is put on high alert for potenial terrorist attacks.
  • Staten Island suicide bombing

    A massive suicide bombing is orchestrated in Staten Island by Bryan Quinn Lanier, a domestic terrorist. Lanier ran his SUV into a inhabited car in a parking space, and upon the dispatch of authorities to the area, Lanier proceeded to detonate several explosive weapons strapped to his chest, taking sixteen lives with several dozens of people being injured.
  • Nile River War begins

    Nile River War begins
    Less than a month after the completion of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Egypt, being impacted by the damming of the river upstream, declares a full war on Ethiopia. Sudan, despite their section of the river also being impacted by the dam, sides with Ethiopia, being promised a portion of the hydro-electric power harvested from the dam.
  • Europa Clipper launches

    Europa Clipper launches
    The NASA Europa Clipper launches, sending a probe to the Jovian System to study Jupiter's 4th largest moon, Europa, and determine if it has the capabilities to support life, based on its capacity for water, chemistry, and energy. The Europa Clipper ended up reaching the Jovian System in 2030. The launch was delayed due to bad weather initially.
  • Delta Airlines Flight 3874 disaster

    Flight DL3874 from Omaha to Salt Lake City crashes, killing everyone on board including an addition 27 people on ground. The flight took off on October 28, at 10:37 AM after taxiing for twelve minutes. At 10:41 AM, the flight began to experience major engine failure, which was a result of a broken combustor in the left engine. The plane ended up crashing near N 96th Street, killing 27 on the ground, and 120 on the jet, amounting to 147 casualties.
  • U.S. Election 2024

    U.S. Election 2024
    The 2024 United States election comes to a close with (waiting until RNC)
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    2024 North American Outage

    On November 17, several cyberterrorists targeted power grids and network systems with critical cyberattacks, making electrical and digital outages rampant across major cities in North America, mainly in the countries of Canada, the USA, and Mexico. The cyberterrorists would never end up getting caught- however the FBI launched an investigation in conjunction with the CISA which was ongoing till early 2026. Riots and civil unrest would affect the continent during and following the disaster.
  • UN resolution takes action on pollution

    UN resolution takes action on pollution
    In March 2022, an agreement to present a global legally binding framework to combat the use of non-reusable plastics, a problem heavily contributing to the climate crisis goes into effect, building the foundation for a glonal convergence towards the use of biodegradable plastics and other environmentally friendly methods.
  • Parker Solar Probe makes closest approach

    Parker Solar Probe makes closest approach
    The Parker Solar Probe, named after Eugene Parker and launched on August 12, 2018, makes the closest approach to the Sun in the six years of elapsed mission time it has endured. The Parker Solar Probe gets as close as 3.8 million miles to the Sun, and reached speeds of 430,000 miles per hour, taking the record for fastest man-made object ever.
  • Bougainville Independence Ratification

    Bougainville Independence Ratification
    Papua New Guinea ratifies the independence referendum regarding Bougainville's autonomy in 2019, confirming that Bougainville's independence will take place sometime in 2027.
  • Bulgaria joins the Eurozone

    Bulgaria joins the Eurozone, adopting the Euro as its currency per an announcement made in February of 2023.
  • Cable TV fading

    Cable TV and other traditional modes of television are beginning to disappear in favor of Internet-based streaming. The inflexibility of scheduled programs had made them increasingly unattractive, with users shifting instead towards on-demand services providing greater choice, convenience and value for money.
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    Neuralink transforms human psyche

    Being first inserted into the human brain in early 2024, Neuralink made strides in transforming the human psyche by modifying senses like vision, hearing, smell, taste, and feel, as well as advancing memory capabilities. Even then, a large percentage of the public ridiculed Neuralink, opposing the idea of Elon Musk, an increasingly untrustworthy person due to the severe mishandling of the social media platform X, formerly and popularly known as Twitter, having leverage over people's cognition.
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    Technological uneployment crisis

    With the advent of advanced artificial intelligence rapidly gaining the capabilities to perform actions and behaviors favorable for jobs, several sectors of the workforce are left unemployed after the deployment of bots powered by AI to do the jobs instead. This creates a large uneployment crisis which overall contributed to the 2027 Great Depression.
  • 2025 Bakersfield Earthquake

    The biggest recorded earthquake generated by the San Andreas fault occurs, dubbed "The Big One". This earthquake, at a devastating Magnitude 8.0, was considered to approach the largest magnitude reachable by the fault. Bakersfield suffered 1,800 deaths and $120 billion in reparation costs. The Diablo Canyon power plant 100 miles west collapses, causing a major nuclear accident. The governor of California placed a state of emergency into San Luis Obispo county promptly after the disaster.
  • 119th Congress goes into session

    In the U.S. Senate and House elections of November 2024, Republicans manage to edge out Democrats in the Senate, while the Democrats retake the House of Representatives. The 1st session of the 119th Congress would begin on the third of January, 2025.
  • Doomsday Clock 2025 update

    Doomsday Clock 2025 update
    In light of recent upheavals, including the bloody Indo-Pakistani war which led to a Pakistani civil war and the Taliban gaining nuclear weapons, and the Nile River War, the Doomsday Clock is set to a harrowing 80 seconds to midnight, highlighting the ominous trends that could lead humanity to destruction.
  • Nile River War ends

    After entering Ethiopian territory and reaching the Benishangul-Gumuz Region, Egyptian military squad places explosive charges on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, demolishing the dam with large chunks of concrete flowing downstream. The battle that ensued in the area took the lives of over 7,000 people. Afterwards, Egyptian troops were recalled and the war ended, with diplomatic ties between both parties participants cut.
  • Invasion of Yemen

    A coalition led by the U.S., U.K., and France lead a full invasion into the Houthi-controlled Yemen, who used military storage units to attack Western-based cargo vessels traveling through the Bab al-Mandab strait with missiles, causing a shipping crisis. Several stealth bombers and naval vessels are dispatched to the Gulf of Aden, deploying an amphibious assault on the nation.
  • Fall of Sana'a

    A week following the joint invasion of Yemen by the American-lead coalition, a massive military operation and bombardment of the Yemeni capital city Sana'a takes place, causing civil unrest throughout the nation and Houthi soldiers to desert en masse. This soon leads to the fall of the entire nation. U.N. peacekeeping forces are deployed into the now-collapsed country, supporting civilians with humanitarian aid and waiting until a new government is installed.
  • 2025 DC subway Attacks

    An anti-SJW extremist, Palmer Alvarez, releases Anthrax on multiple Washington D.C. subways. 20 people die as a result, while over 1,000 are affected. His motives for the attacks were centered around his hatred for the Biden administration, a reason most vehemently being the President's stance on immigration. Alvarez was captured by the FBI attempting to flee to Canada, and is sentenced with the death penalty. The attacks further polarized public opinion on the Biden Administration.
  • Former P.O.T.U.S. Jimmy Carter passes away

    Born in October of 1924, Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States from 1977 to 1981, dies at 100 years old. Jimmy Carter was the only former U.S. president to surpass 100 years of age, and lived 44 years after leaving office.
  • Iranian Documents leak

    Iranian Documents leak
    Following the defect of an Iranian official from the nation, a large dump of several classified documents take place, which expose Iran's access to nuclear weaponry, with locations of nuclear silos located in cities including Mashhad, Isfahan, and Shiraz. It is reported that Russia helped Iran obtain these warheads. The two nations vehemently deny these leaks validity, however, but Western nations condemn this revelation, with sanctions being placed on Iran.
  • Netherlands Antillean guilder replacement

    The Caribbean guilder replaces the Netherlands Antillean guilder as the currency for Curaçao and Sint Maarten.
  • 2025 Scotland Independence Referendum

    In 2014, a Scottish Independence Referendum took place with 55% voting to stay in the United Kingdom. Although the independence movement was strong, it was made even stronger afted Brexit in 2020, with Scotland wanting to stay part of the European Union. 11 years later, Scotland votes for independence with a 68% vote. It is soon ratified by the United Kingdom, agreeing to Scotland's independence no earlier than 2028 and no later than 2033.
  • Artemis II launch

    Artemis II, the second mission of the Artemis program sends a crew of 4 in the SLS to perform an orbit around the Moon, returning humans to the Moon for the first time since 1972. This mission sends a Canadian man, African-American man, and a woman beyond Low Earth Orbit for the first in history. It had undergone three delays, mainly due to weather.
  • Release of G.T.A. VI

    Release of G.T.A. VI
    The long-awaited addition to the Grand Theft Auto franchise, Grand Theft Auto VI, is released, following a long 12-year wait since Grand Theft Auto V's release in 2013. The game takes place in Vice City, a fictional city based off of Miami, Florida, with graphics and realism far surpassing that of its predecessor game.
  • Windows 10 OS retires

    The Windows 10 operating system is retired, forcing users of the OS to either update to Windows 11 or move to an alternate operating system.
  • Canada Election 2025

    The 2025 Canadian Federal election is held, with Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre is elected with a large majority. Poilievre was a social and economic libertarian, supporting issues such as same-sex marriage and soft-drug legalisation.
  • BepiColombo enters Mercurian orbit

    Following numerous fly-bys, the BepiColombo probe, part of the joint BepiColombo mission between ESA and JAXA arrives in orbit around Mercury, becoming the second probe to do so.
  • 50TB Hard Drives are mainstream

    Hard drives exceeding 50 terabytes are now mainstream, with their high data density being very efficient for computing systems.
  • Renewable Energy percentages reaches 40%

    With the climate crisis heavily impacting several ecosystems across the World, the use of renewable energy would be imperative to ensure a future without the threat of global warming. In 2026, after seeing large rises in the renewable energy division, it finally reaches 40%, with the further advent of power sources like hydro-electric, wind, geothermal, and nuclear energy becoming more prominent.
  • Regulations on AI

    As artificial intelligence is advancing exponentially, governments and officials begin to put regulations on the use of AI, including limitations on its access to confidential or sensitive information, its bias in socio-economic factors, and other subjects.
  • New START treaty expires

    Being signed in 2010 between the United States and Russian Federation, the New START treaty entered into force in February of 2011 as a nuclear arms reduction treaty. It was set to expire in February of 2021, but a five-year extension set the expiry to February of 2026. Russia ended up suspending participation in New START in 2023, but clarified that they would still abide by the treaty's numerical limits.
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    2026 Winter Olympics

    The 2026 Winter Olympics are held in the cities of Milan and Cortina, Italy.
  • Kivalina is inundated

    Kivalina, a small town on the Alaskan coast inhabited by about 400 Inuits becomes completely submerged as a result of global warming and the sea level rise, forcing the population to migrate elsewhere. This event sparks a large outcry against climate change and the seemingly unnoticeable actions fighting the crisis by governments around the world.
  • Pope Francis passes away

    Pope Francis passes away
    Pope Francis dies, aged 89. Francis was one of the most liberal and influential Popes of recent times, although often the public had a divided opinion on him. He is succeeded in his position by his liberal ally Pietro Parolin, who assumes the papal name Paul VII.
  • Karpathos meteor explodes over Greece

    A small meteor about 3.4 meters in diameter explodes near the island of Karpathos in the Aegean Sea causing a small shockwave and <70 injuries. The meteor later earns the eponymous name of the Karpathos meteor.
  • E.A.F. Agreement

    Six nations (Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and South Sudan) agree to unite into the East African Federation no earlier than 2029. While four of the six nations unite that year, South Sudan and Tanzania take until 2030 and 2032 to be fully incorporated.
  • 250th U.S. Independence Day

    The United States celebrates its semiquincentennial. On this monumental day, 346 million people who reside in the 50 states and 5 territories look back on the history of the diverse, complex, and influential nation.
  • Dubai Creek Tower completion

    After beginning construction in 2016, and halting for several years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Dubai Creek Tower is officially finished, at 877 meters tall, achieving the record for tallest man-made structure in the world.
  • Hurricane Omar devastates coastal cities

    Hurricane Omar began formation on August 2, and made landfall on August 6. Several cities including Galveston, TX, Port Arthur, TX, and New Orleans, LA were impacted by the hurricane. Hurricane Omar elevated to be a Category 5 hurricane, reaching peak wind speeds of 161 miles per hour.
  • MMx Sample Return Mission

    The MMX (Martian Moons eXploration) by JAXA launches, setting on its 5-year long mission to return a minimum of 10 grams of Phobos samples to Earth.
  • Sagrada Familia construction finishes

    Sagrada Familia construction finishes
    Construction is finished on the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. The cathedral had began construction in 1882 and had since become a major tourist destination.
  • Alexander Lukashenko passes away

    Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko dies aged 72 of undisclosed causes. He is succeeded as President by his son, Viktor Lukashenko. Protests erupt over the nepotistic nature of the succession but they are violently suppressed. These events are internationally condemned.
  • Voyager 2 loses power

    Launched in 1977 shortly before its sister probe Voyager 1, Voyager 2 was the second probe to reach interstellar space in 2018. With a prolonged journey lasting half a century, Voyager 2's loses power around this year.
  • Threats of Bioterrorism increases

    As the advent of bio-engineering rises, threats of bio-terrorism using artificial diseases and pathogens rises, and several terrorist groups have already began utilizing man-made bio-weapons.
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    Determination Mission launches

    The Martian Sample Return mission, named Determination, launches an orbiter in 2027 and a lander in 2028 with the objective to deliver Martian samples from the Perseverance rover in the Jezero Crater back to Earth.
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    Major economic depression

    With economic and industrial sectors becoming more polarized between different nations and ideologies, a major economic crash worse than the Great Depression of the late 1920s takes place, leaving millions across the world homeless, increasing inflation, and practically resetting the pressures on major nations competing for highest economic success. During this crisis, several social and federal imperatives funds, mainly in Western Nations are drastically changed.
  • Artemis III Launch

    Artemis III, the third mission of the Artemis program launches, containing a crew of four to visit the Lunar Gateway. Originally supposed to be a crewed landing, halts in development of the Starship HLS caused NASA to push a crewed landing back to Artemis IV.
  • Saudi Arabia develops their first nuclear weapon

    After the fact that Iran had access to nuclear weapons in 2025 was revealed, the Saudis began pursuing development of nuclear weapons to prepare for a Middle Eastern cold war. After they began researching in August of 2025, a long 18 months led to the creation of their first nuclear weapon.
  • Pioneer 11 crosses the heliopause

    Pioneer 11 becomes the third probe to travel beyond the heliopause, or the boundary for interstellar space following Voyager 1 in 2012 and Voyager 2 in 2018.
  • Elvis Presley's autopsy report goes public

    Elvis Presley was one of the 20th century's most iconic singers, often referred to as the "King of Rock and Roll", or simply "the King". Passing away in August of 1977, the full autopsy report is finally made public exactly half a century after Presley's death.
  • Bougainville gains independence

    Eight years following the non-binding independence referendum in 2019 regarding Bougainville's autonomy from Papua New Guinea (which voted overwhelmingly for independence) and ratification by Papua New Guinea in 2024, Bougainville gains independence and becomes a U.N. member shortly afterward.
  • PS6 Release

    7 years after the release of the Play Station 5 in 2020, the Play Station 6 is released as the newest generation game console, being capable to run way faster than its predecessors.
  • Voyager 1 loses power

    Launching in 1977, Voyager 1 was the first man-made object to reach interstellar space, and made many ground-breaking observations throughout its 51 year journey. In 2028, Voyager 1's RTG (Radio-isotope Thermoelectric Generator) loses power, along with the ability to operate scientific instruments.
  • Afriq currency is mainstream

    The majority of Africa unites under a single currency. Members of the African Union, aside from Sudan, Nigeria, South Africa and Burkina Faso, all adapt the Afriq as their currency making international trade easier across the continent.
  • Dragonfly launch

    The Dragonfly quadcopter drone mission launches, set to be the second probe to land on Titan since the Huygens probe.
  • Lockheed Martin SR-72 enters service

    The newest generation crewed hypersonic jet enters service, capable of exceeding speeds of Mach 5.
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    Major strides in biotechnology

    Strides in biotechnology are taking place, including the manufacturing of more medical treatments and vaccines for diseases, as well as DNA studies and manipulation which leads to major economic growth within the countries that partake in the most research, with progress towards malaria elimination, mRNA-based vaccines for cancer and heart disease, and genetic engineering. This happens following the major depression of earlier years, which relieves the several economic and industrial crises.
  • Puerto Rico is admitted as a state

    A non-binding referendum approved by President Biden in 2027 was held, giving Puerto Ricans three options: Status Quo, Statehood, or Independence. There was 89% voter turnout, with 11% voting Status Quo, 38% voting for independence, and 51% voting for statehood. The referendum was promptly ratified, and Puerto Rico would go on to be admitted as the 51st state on February 3, 2028. The U.S. flag would have a 51st star added on July 4, 2028, the first official flag change in over 65 years.
  • Somaliland gains independence

    Following the de facto nation's recognition by Ethiopia in late 2024, several nations began following suit, recognizing Somaliland as a independent, legitimate nation. Somaliland applied for U.N. membership in 2026, which was VETOed by China, in spite of their recognition of Taiwan, maintaining that they will not recognize them until they stop recognizing Taiwan as a nation. Somaliland, seeking independence, terminated recognition of Taiwan and applied for U.N. membership in 2028 successfully.
  • U.K. Election 2028

    The 2028 United Kingdom general election is held in June. Keir Starmer is re-elected as Prime Minister, with his Labour Party defeating the Conservative opposition of Suella Braverman to claim an outright majority.
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    2028 Summer Olympics

    The 2028 Summer Olympics are held in Los Angeles, United States.
  • Artemis IV launch

    Following the pushback of a crewed lunar landing from Artemis III, Artemis IV launches with a crew of 4 with a main objective of installing a new module on the Lunar Gateway and performing a crewed landing for the first time since 1972. This mission proved to be successful, landing the first person of color, as well as a woman on the lunar South Pole.
  • U.S. Election 2028

    In the 2028 election, former vice president and Democratic candidate Kamala Harris beats Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy.
  • Kamala Harris inaugurated

    Following the 2028 election, Kamala Harris takes office as the 4#th president and the first female president, a milestone for the United States. Having formerly served under Joe Biden as vice president, Kamala Harris was prompt to seek presidency in 2028.
  • Jeddah Tower is completed

    The 1,008-meter tall Jeddah Tower is finished in Saudi Arabia, officially gaining the world record for the tallest structure ever built. It was the first man-made building to overtake a kilometer in height. After facing a 5-year delay from 2018 to 2023 at about 300 meters tall, it resumed construction and was finished about 5 years later.
  • 99942 Apophis flies by Earth

    The asteroid 99942 Apophis passes 31,000 kilometers by Earth in an event widely observed by astronomers. When it was discovered in 2004, Apophis was identified as one of the most hazardous asteroids that could impact Earth. But that impact assessment changed after astronomers tracked Apophis, and its orbit became better determined.
  • E.A.F. Unification

    The nations of Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, and Rwanda unite into the East African Federation per an agreement in 2026. Although Tanzania and South Sudan agreed to join the federation, internal political situations keep the two from doing so.
  • Launch of DAVINCI

    The DAVINCI mission, or the Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging mission launches, set to survey Venus' atmosphere in conjunction with the VERITAS orbiter mission.
  • Oblisco Capitale begins construction

    In Egypt's New Administrative Capital, the Oblisco Capitale, aimed to be at least 1 kilometer tall, begins construction, with officials envisioning its completion by 2034, much to the criticism of the public, believing the project is too ambitious.
  • Psyche makes orbital insertion

    NASA's Psyche mission, launched in October of 2023, enters orbit around the large metallic asteroid 16 Psyche, less than 6 years after launch.
  • Space trash cleanup operations go into effect

    Space trash cleanup operations go into effect
    As the number of satellites and discarded rocket stages increase exponentially in Earth's orbit, it proved to become a problem with low-Earth-orbit (LEO) space vessels and GPS satellites, compromising certain scientific aspects or capabilities. Directives led by NASA, ESA, JAXA, and other partners focus on making rocket stages, fairings, and satellites less pollutive as well as specially designed missions to capture orbital debris. This would be imperative to space endeavors in later years.
  • Former P.O.T.U.S. Donald Trump passes away

    Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States passes away from a cardiac arrest, aged 83. He was a very controversial president who caused a lot of internal division in the United States.
  • South Sudan's E.A.F. Incorporation

    Following an agreement ratified in 2026, South Sudan is incorporated into the East African Federation in the year following four of the other nation's unification.
  • Belarus annexed by Russia

    Russia officially annexes Belarus, a country on the verge of civil war. The Lukashenko family is allowed to stay in Minsk and still hold great influence over regional affairs. Absorption into Russia is actually met positively, with the two countries sharing a lot of culture and history.
  • Vladimir Putin passes away

    Russian President Vladimir Putin dies suddenly aged 78. Putin was suspected to have been suffering from Parkinson’s disease. A controversial figure whose grip on power had begun to falter in recent years, his death leaves a vacancy at the top of Russian politics which was eventually filled by Mikhail Mishustin.
  • Artemis V launch

    Artemis V launches, sending four astronauts to the Lunar Gateway Space Station. The mission delivers the European Space Agency's ESPRIT refueling and communications module and a Canadian-built robotic arm system for the Gateway. The mission also delivers NASA's LTV, or Lunar Terrain Vehicle.
  • 6G goes mainstream

    Being the successor to the 5G network, 6G is rolled out to most internet providers, offering a speed of 1 Terabit per second, 50x faster than that of 5G.
  • Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer reaches Jupiter

    The Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, or JUICE, was launched by the European Space Agency in April of 2023. In 2031, it reached the Jovian system and began surveys of the moons Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto.
  • The I.S.S. de-orbits

    The I.S.S., after several extensions of operation including its 7 month extension from January to August of 2031, finally de-orbits, directing any fragments into Point Nemo, ending its 33-year lifespan. The legacy of the I.S.S. lives on in several space endeavours carried out following its retirement.
  • Ocean Floor 100% mapped

    By September of 2031, projects utilizing automated trans-oceanic vessels contribute massively to the mapping of most of the ocean floor. On this day, most federal organizations consider the ocean floor to be completely mapped (or >99.8% mapped as some put it)
  • Artemis VI launch

    Artemis VI launches, delivering an airlock module to the Lunar Gateway and landing another four astronauts on the Moon, utilizing the LTV, and taking further steps towards the construction of Artemis Base Camp, which is soon to become an outpost with power plants and research stations, along with a permanent human population by 2045.
  • Joe Biden passes away

    Joseph R. Biden, 46th president of the United States and oldest president to take office dies, aged 88. His presidency was controversial during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the disruptions that his adversary, Donald Trump, caused.
  • Interstate 11 is finished

    Interstate 11 from Nogales, Arizona to Sun Valley, Nevada in the Reno-Sparks metropolitan area is finally finished. After facing legal challenges and opposition, the last phase finished in mid 2031 and in December was declared completed. The freeway followed the U.S. routes 93 and 95, in Arizona and Nevada respectively.
  • 2032 Transgender Rights protests

    A transgender teenager in Florida commits suicide due to excessive bullying from her classmates, resulting in a major outcry and an increase in sympathy for transgender Americans. Several similar incidents follow, resulting in major protests demanding increased awareness of transgender issues. President Harris' response to these protests were awkward and stinted, and were seen as ambiguous by the public.
  • Tanzania's E.A.F. Incorporation

    Tanzania becomes the 6th and final initial incorporation of the East African Federation, six years after an agreement ratified to unite the nations of South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania.
  • Scotland gains independence

    Following the 2025 independence referendum, the United Kingdom recognizes Scotland's independence on this day, as well as their admittance into the United Nations. Scotland joins the European Union shortly after.
  • U.S. Election 2032

    A presidential rematch takes place in 2032, retaining the same major candidates as 2028. This tine, the roles are reversed as Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy wins the election, beating Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.
  • Determination returns to Earth

    With the Martian samples secured, the Determination returns to Earth with the first ever samples from another planet, helping scientists understand the properties and composition of Mars up close.
  • Vivek Ramaswamy inaugurated

    Republican Vivek Ramaswamy is inaugurated, being the 5th youngest president to take office at 47 years old, and is the 3rd president to be part of an ethnic minority.
  • Artemis VII launch

    Artemis VII, the seventh mission of the Artemis program, delivers JAXA's HMP (Habitable Mobility Platform) to the Moon.
  • Sudan adopts the Afriq

    Sudan officially adopts the Afriq as its currency. The move helps to de-escalate tensions with their neighbors Egypt and Ethiopia and results in increased investment opportunities.
  • Artemis VIII launch

    While missions up to Artemis 11 have been proposed, NASA finally decides that Artemis IX will be the last Artemis mission, making Artemis VIII the penultimate launch. The Artemis VIII delivers the Lunar Surface Habitat, prompting longer stays on the Moon, and also delivers Surface Logistics.
  • EU bans sale of diesel and petrol cars

    The European parliament voted to ban the sale of diesel and petrol cars, which went into effect in 2035.
  • USA refocuses funding

    Now having been devastated by the Third World War, the USA faces a national outcry for a relocation of funding. As funds towards military organizations exceed 1 trillion, the Ramaswamy administration is more or less forced by the public to decrease it, and focus it on other imperatives. While both the Harris and Ramaswamy administrations had went through a relocation of funding, none was as substantial as the one 2036 faced, arguably changing the USA for the better.
  • AI is integrated into most utilities

    By now, most mundane household objects like coffee makers and toothbrushes have AI installed into them, to collect data and be more convenient for humans.
  • AI is used to dictate military operations

    Being utilized in the later stages of World War III and being used on military protocols, AI is directed to play out virtual scenarios of operations and dictate the best strategies.
  • Australia becomes a republic

    Australia becomes a republic
    Australia votes to become a republic by a margin of 54/46 in favor of the monarchy’s abolition. Prince William and Princess Catherine attend a handover ceremony in Canberra with Collins and the Governor-General Simone Wilkie (who afterwards becomes the country’s first President).
  • Artemis IX launch

    Artemis IX is the penultimate mission of the Artemis program, delivering the first two commercial crewmates to the Moon, along with two others who were slated to stay for a 70-day visit, and beyond the Artemis program, Artemis Base Camp would acquire a semi-permanent human presence for its early years, but with the Lunar Gateway finished and the Base Camp increasingly becoming self-sustaining, the need for a specialized program is no more.
  • Oblisco Capitale is completed

    The Oblisco Capitale in Egypt is completed, at 1,003 meters tall, becoming the tallest man-made structure in the world, beating the Dubai Creek Tower. Although the skyscraper was completed 2 years after envisioned, the project was deemed successful by officials.
  • Period: to

    Martian Cargo mission (Ares I)

    SpaceX launches five uncrewed starships to Mars, containing supplies and resources that will help future crewed Mars missions.
  • 3rd edition of Oxford English Dictionary

    The Oxford English Dictionary publishes its third, revised edition. The revision, costing about £34 million, doubled the size of the contents of the 2nd revision.
  • King Charles III passes away

    King Charles III, king of the United Kingdom passes away aged 88. Charles was the oldest King to assume the throne in British history but maintained high levels of respect throughout his reign, outperforming expectations. He is succeeded to the throne by his eldest son, King William V.
  • Elon Musk passes away

    Former richest person, businessman, and entrepreneur Elon Musk dies aged 66 after a short battle against cancer. Musk’s multiple ventures and businesses were all revolutionary and Musk had become one of the most influential figures of his era. He was known for helping put humans on Mars and propelling electric vehicles into the mainstream. He had also attracted controversy with his handling of the disastrous social media platform Twitter in the early and mid 2020s, which he renamed to X.
  • Xi Jinping passes away

    Xi Jinping, the President of the People’s Republic of China, dies aged 84. Xi had been paramount leader of the country since 2013. His death leaves the Chinese Communist Party weakened without their iconic leader. He is succeeded by a string of old party officials who only last a couple of years as President before dying of old age.
  • Burkina Faso adopts the Afriq

    Burkina Faso officially adopts the Afriq as its currency. The small country had previously been sanctioned and suspended from the African Union. Nigeria and South Africa are the only African countries not have the Afriq as the official currency.
  • 32-bit computer systems fail to work

    On this day at 3:14:08 AM, UTC, the Unix Time had reached a count of 2,147,483,648, or 2^31 seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1, 1970). This number constitutes the maximum signed integer on 32-bit systems. By now, 32-bit computer systems are rarely in use, but the ones that are, loop over to the date December 13, 1901. Most people dub this Y2K38, or the Epochalypse.
  • Traveler 1 probe launch

    The Traveler I probe is launched, being sent at speeds exceeding 500,000 mph with the help of fusion engines and solar sails. Being set to study several dwarf planets up close and afar, it becomes a new step in mapping out distant worlds. It quickly overtakes the distances of the Pioneer probes, and is set to reach the heliopause before 2065.
  • Northern Ireland votes to unite with Ireland

    After increased movements for unification, the United Kingdom holds an official referendum for Northern Ireland, with the option to stay in the U.K. or unite with Ireland (or "I don't know/don't care"). By a margin of 51/43/6, Northern Ireland successfully votes to unite with the Republic of Ireland. A few months after, the referendum is ratified and Northern Ireland joins Ireland.
  • The C.C.P. Collapses

    Only two years after Xi Jinping's death, following several ascensions to power, the People's Republic of China erupts in civil war, overthrowing the Chinese Communist Party and placing a new government in place, the Chinese Union State. While taking a more semi-democratic presentation, it is still staunchly anti-Western. With one of the USA's main adversaries gone, American hegemony rises.
  • Biotechnology prompts economic growth

    The US economy booms due to a rise in biotechnology. Examples of contributors to the biotech boom include personalized medicine that’s tailored to an individual's genetic makeup, more rapid vaccine development, disease and pest resistant crops, and the development of biodegradable plastic that can be mass produced. The biotech boom raises the average standard of living for the average American. By the mid-2040s, the United States approaches a national debt of $0.
  • Microscopic life found in several Solar System objects

    After several missions to their respective places across the Solar System, microbes are found in places like Europa, Enceladus, Titan, and even Mars. While these places are not capable enough to support intelligent life, it still shows life can exist on other places.
  • AI is plagued by bias

    Being meant to shine a non-biased, neutral view on topics, the code and data that makes AI's foundation is still socio-economically biased and still leans in ways that could be detrimental. Programmers try to work out this "bug", as the issue has become more prominent.
  • Period: to

    Martian crewed mission (Ares II)

    The first crewed mission to Mars launches in a joint mission between NASA and SpaceX, and funded by other space agencies. The mission contains a crew of 4, but the mission will not land on Mars. The mission will simply orbit the Red Planet and survey both moons of Mars, but a crewed landing will come after this mission.
  • World population reaches nine billion

    Following an increase of time between "billion milestones", the world population finally reaches 9,000,000,000, demonstrating a slowing down of the worlds population growth.
  • South Africa adopts the Afriq

    South Africa adopts the Afriq as its currency. The nation had seen an economic decline and had become reliant on its African neighbors. After adopting the Afriq, South Africa’s economy begins a fast recovery.
  • Green Economy Act passed

    The US Congress passes the Green Economy Act, better known as the Green New Deal. The Act binds the US to net zero non-renewable energy production by 2050, better access to public transport, and requires all cars to be either electric or hybrid. This act is symbolically passed on Earth Day, 2043.
  • New Horizons crosses the heliopause

    Being the fourth probe to reach interstellar space, New Horizons is the most recently launched mission to cross the heliopause following its launch in 2006 and exploration of Pluto in 2016.
  • Period: to

    Martian Crewed Landing mission (Ares III)

    The successor to the previous 2 Ares missions, Ares III, will be the first one to land people on Mars. Containing a crew of six and fixing previous issues on preceding missions, the mission is seen as a huge success and on February 27, 2045, Tom Warner, born in Indianapolis in 2008, takes the first step on another planet, a groundbreaking milestone that resonates in history forever.
  • Artemis Base Camp is officially established

    On the 75-year anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon, a permanent lunar presence is established from July 20, 2044 and onwards. From here, the camp is turned into more of a multinational city, where commercial citizens can come and go, solidifying the first step to commercialized space flight.
  • New Zealand undergoes several national changes

    New Zealand undergoes several national changes
    New Zealand votes to both abolish the monarchy and rename to Aotearoa in a two part referendum. In the first part, New Zealanders voted to remove King William as head of state by a margin of 59/40, and in the second part, the primary and international name of the country was changed with 52/47 approval. Although the names Aotearoa and New Zealand are both still used, Aotearoa is will now be the one that is more common and used on the international stage.
  • Hong Kong becomes independent

    Hong Kong refuses to renew the “one country, two systems” with China. Taking a wildly different view from decades prior regarding independence from China, the newly independent city-state aligns with the United States, Japan and South Korea and participates in military drills with those countries. The UN guarantees Hong Kong’s independence, although a weakened China is in no position to object to it. The country goes on to become a major economic hub.
  • Macao gains independence

    Macao does not renew its “one country, two systems” policy with China. Having faced the same societal opinion switch that Hong Kong did, the city-state declares independence and is recognised by the United Nations. The country goes on to be known for its booming economy and relaxed gambling laws.
  • AGI is invented

    By the end of the 2040s, Artificial General Intelligence is made from a network of automated quantum computers, being able to see and understand the world, and can set its own tasks, the closest thing to an individual human so far.
  • Period: to

    Development of Mars Base Alpha

    During the final stages of the Ares program, the Mars Base Alpha was being developed, but by the programs end, it was still not self-sustaining. With funding from other corporations and nations, NASA, ESA, JAXA, and SpaceX transformed Mars Base Alpha into a more self-reliable Mars community. By the end of the 2050s, Mars Base Alpha was on the dawn of becoming the first interplanetary city. By May 23, 2061 and onward, Mars had a permanent human population.
  • Artemis Base Camp becomes the first official Lunar city

    As more permanent citizens are seeking residence in Artemis, the city is divided into districts, named after Apollo crewmates. There are six initial districts; Armstrong, Aldrin, Conrad, Bean, Shepard, and Mitchell. Residential areas are now being focused on, and several corporations and countries are investing in this city, along with expansions, and new districts in the future.
  • Pioneer 10 crosses the heliopause

    Pioneer 10, the first launched and last probe to reach interstellar space, also takes the record for longest time to cross the heliopause. Being launched in 1972, it took 85 years to reach the heliopause compared to Voyager 1 which took exactly 50 years shorter, entering interstellar space 35 years after launch.
  • Halley's Comet flies by Earth

    Halley's Comet flies by Earth
    In July 2061, Halley's Comet, or 1P/Halley, passed about 0.48 astronomical units (AU) or around 44.6 million miles from Earth. In its 75ish-yearly journey around the Sun, the last time it passed by Earth was in 1986.
  • 16-bit binary day systems fail

    Computer software using unsigned 16-bit binary day counts, and an epoch of 1 January 1900 overflow after 65,536 (2^16) days. At this point, 16-bit systems are obsolete, and the overflow does not pose a risk to computer systems.
  • All bitcoins are mined

    On January 3, 2009, the cryptocurrency Bitcoin was created. Following 130 years of value rises and falls, all of the roughly 21 million bitcoins are mined.