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Zika Timeline

  • Zika Forest

    Zika Forest
    Monkeys were found with Zika in Uganda for the first time
  • Recovered

    The virus is then recovered from the mosquito Aedes africanus, caught in the Zika forest.
  • First Human

    First Human
    The first human cases of Zika are detected in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania.
  • Blood Test Revealed

    Blood Test Revealed
    Human cases are confirmed through blood tests. No deaths or hospitalizations are reported, but studies consistently show widespread human exposure to the virus.
  • Detected in Mosquitos in Other Countries

    Detected in Mosquitos in Other Countries
    Zika virus is detected in mosquitoes found in equatorial Asia, including India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan.
  • Outbreak

    First large Zika outbreak in humans in the Pacific Island of Yap
  • Transmitted sexually

    Transmitted sexually
    US scientist transitted Zika to his wife through sexual activities
  • US scientist found infected

    US scientist in Senegal was found Zika positive while he was in duty.
  • New Zika

    New Zika
    There have been 2 new Zika: African and Asian.
  • Outbreak Occur in many Countries

    Outbreak Occur in many Countries
    Another outbreak occur in 4 different countries: New Caledonia, Cook island, Easter island, and the French Polynesia.
  • Mothers with Zika

    2 French Polynesia Citizens mothers and their new born child have contracted with the virus within 4 days of the delivery.
  • Blood Transfusion

    Over 1500 people of the French Polynesia were found positive with zika while donating their blood.
  • Brazil infected with Zika

    The Brazilian national laboratory confirms that the virus is circulating around its country.
  • Cabo Verde

    Cabo Verde confirms its first virus in its country.
  • Brazil Reports:

    Brazil reports an increase of newborn with microephaly.
  • Brazil Declares Emergancy

    Brazil declares an emergency due to continuously increasing rate of microcephaly.
  • Brazil Detected:

    Brazil had discover that the virus is in the blood and tissue samples.
  • Male to Male:

    In Texas, first male to male sexual was transmitted by zika.
  • More Cases reported:

    Many cases of Zika were reported in Gernada, Belize, and Argentina.
  • New York:

    New York reported its first case of Zika from female to male sexual activity.
  • Vaccine:

    There 2 vaccine trials by 2 companies call Inovio Pharmaceuticals and GenoOne start.
  • CDC issues a warning in Miami, Florida

    The center of Disease Control issued a warning for pregnant women in the Miami, Florida.
  • Expectations of Zika

    The WHO expects the number of Zika cases in the Asia-Pacific region to continue rising
  • Mosquitos Will Spread

    As Hurricane Matthew makes it way up the Florida coast, there is hope that wind will blow away what mosquitoes are there, but there are concerns that pooling water will breed more
  • How long can it last

    Two new studies are bolstering the idea that the Zika virus can remain in a woman’s vagina for weeks
  • Recent news

    Recent news
    Florida has another Zika “hot zone,” but some fear it’s not getting enough attention
  • Baby Born

    Baby Born
    Babies in Venezuela born with Zika-related microcephaly face
  • Brazilian Mothers

    Mothers in Brazil are struggling to care for their children born with Zika
  • More Experiments

    More Experiments
    Zika has been tested in mice and the results showed that their shrinks and makes them infertile​
  • Breaking the Chain

    Breaking the Chain
    Wear long sleeves
    Use bug repellent
    Remove standing water
    Mosquito net when camping outdoors
    Avoid sexual activities if the other person has zika. Be protective
  • Symptoms

    Red Itchy skin
    loss of appetite
  • Traveling is the main cause

    Zika hits Northern Ireland, but all reported cases are from travel
  • Vaccines

    A Zika vaccine could inadvertently lead to more cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome
  • Why not to have sex

    Exposure to the Zika virus makes a baby more than 50 times more likely to be born with microcephaly
  • Adults too

    New research bolsters concerns that Zika can cause Guillain-Barré in adults
  • Government is also involved

    President Barack Obama said Thursday he'd veto a new measure coming from Congress to pay for the Zika fight.