Eyewitnesswwii 01. v389839556

Zelan Muise WWII Timeline

By zmuise
  • Period: to


  • Nanking Massacre

    Nanking Massacre
    The Nanking Massacre was a mass murder and mass rape episode that had been committed by the japanese troop against the residents on Nanjing. The event was caused by political tension between the japanese and chinese. The effect of the event was an ongoing tension between japan and china.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    The German military had created a new war tactic that they would use to overpower the enemy. The tactic was made in an effort to surround the enemy front with heavily armored vehicles and give the enemy no possible way to win.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The U.S. Navy had been doing radar sweeps all day, while changing shifts, when about one hundred blips appeared, they asked the higher ups, who said to ignore it. The blips had turned out to be over 100 Japanese bomber planes that had come to bomb Pearl Harbor. The reason why japan bombed Pearl Harbor was to get back at the US for what they did. The effect of the bombing was that the attack made the US involved in World War II, creating new technology and new weapons.