zach's lifeline

By dyxt
  • i was born

  • Period: to


  • elementry school starts

    (i dont know exact date)
  • middle school starts for me

    (7th grade)
  • highschool

    (9th grade)
  • graduate

    (agian, exact date is unknown)
  • 2 options

    primary- go to college for 8 years. (m.i.t. if possible) secondary-join army, and pro mma right away
  • secondary path

    4 year community college using army benefits
  • secondary path

    graduate community college
  • primary path

    apply for a NCSA possition an NSA
  • primary path

    join mma as a hobby
  • secondary path

    retire from the army
  • secondary path

    join N.S.A. (NCSA in particular)
  • primary

    retire from the NSA. (i am guestimating ages)
  • primary path

    mve to a rural area, likely tennessee