Zach's Civil Rights timeline 2/30/17

  • Congress of Racial Equality

    Congress of Racial Equality
    Civil Rights- Your right to do something
  • Dodgers hire Jacky Robinson

    Dodgers hire Jacky Robinson
    Color-Line- African Americans going into white sports like Football Basketball and Baseball and playing together.
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    Segregation- grouped by race, ending race segregation in military
  • Advocates for Black Nationalism

    Advocates for Black Nationalism
    Nation of Islam, Malcom X- In 1965 3 members of the Nation of Islam assassinated Malcom X.
    Malcom X influenced many black leaders in the civil rights movement to include Stokely Carmichael.
  • Brown v Board of Education Ruling

    Brown v Board of Education Ruling
    Brown vs Board of Education- The supreme court thought it was unconstitutional to segregate in public schools
    Thurgood Marshall- he was a lawyer for african american children
  • Mont Bus Boycott

    Mont Bus Boycott
    The Montgomery Bus boycott was in 1955 where African Americans boycotted the bus and it integrated of Montgomery, Alabama bus system
  • Integration of Central High school

    Integration of Central High school
    Little Rock Nine- In September of 1962, James Meredith, a African American attempted to enrolled at the University of Mississippi; his actions resulted in a riot. Angry white students burned cars and destroyed property. The white students did want Meredith to attend and burned cars and also in the riot 2 men were killed.
  • First Lunch Counter Sitin

    First Lunch Counter Sitin
    sit-in Sitting in a public facility as a means of peaceful protesting
    -Jim Crow Laws: laws that made racial segregation okay in the south
    -African american college kids went into Wooksworth Everyday
    - THese stydents were often attacked by white customers and some owners
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Blacks and Whites ride the bus together to see whether southern states were complying with to the Supreme Court ruling against segregation on interstate transport
    Civil Disobedience- respectfully not following orders
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    a protest that more than 250,000 people marched in the nation's capital for "jobs and freedom" and the passage of civil rights legislation
  • King Advocates Nonviolence in “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”

    King Advocates Nonviolence in “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”
    Martin Luther made a letter in jail in Birmingham
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Plessy v ferguson 1896 case that determined separate but equal facilities
    Originally Kennedy's idea, President Johnson was able to get Passed
    -Civil rights act banned discrimination
  • Registering African American Voters in a Freedom Summer

    Registering African American Voters in a Freedom Summer
    A campaign by CORE and SNCC to register black voters in Mississippi
  • From Watts to Newark: Riots in the Streets

    From Watts to Newark: Riots in the Streets
    a Riot due to a black ghetto in Los Angeles that caused by frustrations about poverty, prejudice, and police mistreatment
    Kerner commission- said the riot was caused by frustrations
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    A group demanding economic and political rights and would go into violence to do so.
    Black Power- using violence in protest
  • The Civil rights act of 1968

    The Civil rights act of 1968
    Discrimination- a law that included a ban on discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin, or sex. This law is also known Fair Housing Act.
  • Swann v Charkotte-Mecklenberh Board of Education

    Swann v Charkotte-Mecklenberh Board of Education
    Desegregation- This landmark is ruling lead the way for integration of students through the use of busing.
  • Regents of the University of California v, Bakke

    Regents of the University of California v, Bakke
    Affirmative action- The landmark Supreme Court ruling open the door for race to be a determining factor in the admission of students to higher education. It is important to note that race cannot be the only factor in determining admission to school.