The giver

Yudoff Giver Vocab

By AlexaY
  • Recollection

    Definition: a memory; something remembered or recalled
    Sentence: Mother has no recollection of my game today, yet I vividly remember me reminding her.
    Synonym: remembrance
  • Profound

    Definition: intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge
    Sentence: The speaker had such profound words that all of the students listened intently.
    Synonym: intense
  • Prestige

    Definition: status or influence; importance based on reputation
    Sentence: If you wish to attend an elite collage, then you must go to a prestigious high school.
    Synonym: stature
  • Sheepish

    Definition: shy; bashful
    Sentence: He was sheepish towards the girl who had picked up his pencil.
    Synonym: embarassed
  • Serenely

    Definition: peacefully and calmly
    Sentence: Even though she had lost all of her work, she opened up her computer and serenely started her work again.
    Synonym: unworried
  • Avert

    Definition: turn away
    Sentence: The sun was so bright, the passengers in the car had to avert their eyes.
    Synonym: avoid
  • Hasty

    Definitions: hurried and rush
    Sentence: The dog rushed to the owner in a hasty manner.
    Synonym: quick
  • Indolence

    Definition: laziness
    Sentence: His indolenceness makes him not reliable to be able to take on this task.
    Synonym: inactivity
  • Unnerving

    Definition: unsettling and upsetting
    Sentence: I find it unnerving that people post disturbing pictures of clowns online that can scare small children.
    Synonym: disturbing
  • Requisitioned

    Definition: to demand or take
    Sentence: The police man requisitioned the driver as her looked through the speeders bag.
    Adjective: seize
  • Conspicuous

    Definition: noticeable; easy to see
    Sentence: He tried to sneak around but really he just made himself more conspicuous.
    Synonym: visable
  • Self-consciously

    Definition: uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed
    Sentence: Alex self-consciously moved forward on the rickety bridge he had to cross.
    Synonym: aware of yourself
  • Tentatively

    Definition: uncertainly and hesitantly
    Sentence: Not sure of where to go next, the man tentatively asked for directions.
    Synonyms: scared
  • Obsolete

    Definition: no longer useful
    Sentence: The computer was so outdated, it was no longer useful.
    Synonym: old fasioned
  • Torrent

    Definition: swift-flowing stream of something
    Sentence: A torrent of tears rushed over the young boy's cheeks.
    Synonym: flood
  • Unwieldy

    Definition: difficult to carry or handle
    Sentence: My backpack is unwieldy because it is stuffed with books.
    Synonym: unmanageable
  • Wincing

    Definition: shrinking back involuntarily
    Sentence: He slowly removed his band-aid, wincing at the pain.
    Synonym: cringing
  • Fretful

    Definition: uneasy or distressed
    Sentence: So worried about the show, the lead is fretful that she will mess up.
    Synonym: upset
  • Admonition

    Definition: warning
    Sentence: An admonition is sent out warning all of the citizens of the hurricane.
    Synonym: warning
  • Relinquished

    Definition: gave up or let go
    Sentence: He relinquished the balloon as it flew to the sky.
    Synonym: renounce