Your technology progression

  • iPad

    Apple releases the original iPad.
    Steve Jobs created the iPad.
    With the iPad you are able to do the same things you can on a computer and it's smaller so you are able to take it anywhere.
  • Nintendo

    Nintendo releases the Wii U in North America.
    The Wii U is, by far, Nintendo's best virtual console.
  • Xbox One

    Xbox One
    Microsoft releases Xbox One.
    Flex is the manufacture of the Xbox.
    The Xbox made an impact due to being able to play many console games and being able to play with others online.
  • Windows 10

    Windows 10
    Microsoft releases the operating system Windows 10.
    Windows 10 helped get the most upgraded softwares and apps.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    Nintendo releases the hybrid gaming console Nintendo Switch.
    Shigeru Miyamoto is the creator of the Nintendo Switch.
    The Nintendo Switch made an impact due to being able to have an on the go video game.