Your History

  • Baptism

    The day I received my baptism as catholic, it was important because I was declared as religious.
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
    It was the day I turned 1 year old, it was important because I was grew up.
  • Normal day at the plaza

    Normal day at the plaza
    One day I went out to a plaza with my mom and I enjoyed it very much.
  • My 2nd birthday

    My 2nd birthday
    My second birthday with my family, it was important because I grew up.
  • My 3rd birthday

    My 3rd birthday
    It was very important to me because I grew up and I was eating cake.
  • Seaworld

    The first time I went to Seaworld and it was important to me because here I developed a very big love for aquatic animals.
  • Birthday of my friend

    Birthday of my friend
    That day was important to me because I was very happy to be with my friedn at his birthday.
  • Christmas

    That day of Christmas was very happy for me because my family gifted me a lot of things.
  • Beach

    That day was important to me because I developed my love for beach and the sea.
  • Day with my grandmother

    Day with my grandmother
    The birthday of my grandmother when I was a kid, it was important because we were very closed together.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    It was my first day at elementary school and it changed my life because I started to study.
  • With my dogs

    With my dogs
    That day was important to me because my uncle gifted me my first dogs and I developed responsibility with them.
  • Broke my wrist

    Broke my wrist
    That day I broke my wrist in the school and I did not cry but they had to take me to the hospital.
  • The first time I lost a teeth

    The first time I lost a teeth
    That day was important to me because I lost my first teeth and I felt very good because I was growing up.
  • My first soccer match

    My first soccer match
    It was important to me because here I started my passion for football soccer.
  • Last party before went to live to Spain

    Last party before went to live to Spain
    It was the party of my aunt and 2 months after that I went to live to Spain for a year.
  • Birthday of my mom

    Birthday of my mom
    Since I remember my family and me go for the first weekend of September to La Rumorosa and celebrate the birthday of our family members that are from September.
  • Before I return to Spain

    Before I return to Spain
    Before I returned to Spain me and my mom went to San Diego, after that, I lived 4 years in Spain.
  • After Covid

    After Covid
    Those vacations were our first vacations after the second wave of Covid occur, we went to Santander.
  • New Year

    New Year
    That was my last new year in Spain, since it was when I graduated from Middle School and I took the decision to do High School in the US.
  • Vacations

    My first vacations after I came to the US, I returned to Spain for the summer.
  • Grad

    This day was my graduation from High School in Calexico, I was very happy because I made it in three different countries with all good experiences.