My birth
I was born crying and this is an expession of language. -
My first babbles
I wish someone could understand me. -
Starting to talk
Adding concepts to my vocabulary. A few more words in Spanish than in English. -
Starting school
My school years began with limited English teaching. -
Six years into school
Although I still can't talk english, my reading skills have improved in great manner. -
Period: to
Secondary and High School
I had more opportunities to give many oral reports in English in my secondary school. I dared to speak in public. -
I had to translate many lectures, take some classes in English, and I understood more the language than before because in this stage it was necessary for me. -
Pan american Language Institute
I took conversational classes in Pan American Language Institute. I had the opportunity to conversate with other persons everyday in English. I understood more, and had more vocabulary to establish a conversation with others in my second language. -
School BEC 21
I started to study in University Sagrado Corazon to obtain a certification as a bilingual teacher. In this moment I have more vocabulary, and I can write and speak more in English. I understand when people talk to me.