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    The start of it all

    John Pemberton stirred a sweet-scented and caramel-colored liquid. He brought the drink to his job and mixed it with carbonated water. The customers sampled the drink and everyone liked it.
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    Bottling them

    Coca-Cola was finally bottled by Joseph Biedenharn. He sent 12 of them to Asa Griggs Candler who gave away coupons to get people to try them. He proceeded to share stocks of the company to other pharmacists. It's promotion worked as everyone saw it everywhere.
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    Designing the b o t t l e

    Terre Haute's Root Glass Company in Indiana won a contest on designing a bottle. 1916, They began mass producing the famous Contour Bottle, which still remains as Coca-Cola's signature shape.
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    Polar bears come into town B)

    The Coca-Cola company started advertising with the Polar Bears.
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    More types of Cola

    Coke Zero and Powerade Zero entered the chat.