Yeng's timeline

  • High School Senior Year

    September 15th 2013
    I was 18 years old when I realized that I want to continue my education and pursue my career in Accounting. This was because I really enjoyed learning math and solving through problems.
    In Erikson’s fifth stage, identity vs. identity confusion, is where one either struggles to find them self or finally realize their real identity.
  • Married

    June 23, 2016
    Me and my other half Toulong, we decided get married because we want to spend the rest of our lives together until death do us apart and we will get through thick and thin together.

    In Erikson’s sixth stage, early adulthood: intimacy vs. isolation, is when one have to decide whether they are going to take their identity or share their identity with individual.
  • Child Birth

    June sixth, 2017
    I have given birth to my first born and most my times were given to her. It was a struggle at first to find a balance between caring for others and for myself, as well as for my daughter.
    In Erikson's seventh stage, in middle adulthood, generativity vs. stagnation, is where one either tries to impact the world through affection towards others or failed to contribute in such ways. Those who failed will feel disconnected and isolated.