
Yellow Fever

  • Dec 4, 1500

    Orgin of yellow fever

    Orgin of yellow fever
    I don't know specific date of yellow fever, but I do know that it orginated in Africa. It then it was brought to the New World during the slave trade of the 1500s.
  • Boston Quarantie

    Boston Quarantie
    Due to yellow fever people were quarantined to their homes.
  • Enters American Colonies

    Enters American Colonies
    In 1699 yellow fever spread to the American Colonies via the slave trade.
  • Philadelphia Decimated

    Yellow fever wipes out the population of Philadelphia.
  • Yellow fever hits the Mississippi Valley

    Yellow fever travels to the Mississippi Valley and people begin dying.
  • Carlos Finlay

    Carlos Finlay
    Carlos Finlay identifies a suspect for yellow fever.
  • First Mistake

    Bacterium was mistakenly blamed for the yellow fever epedemic.
  • US Army Research

    US Army Research
    US Army researchers discover the cause of yellow fever.
  • Mosquito Efforts

    Mosquito Efforts
    Efforts begin to control the yellow fever disease.
  • Yellow Fever No Longer an Epidemic

    North America see the last yellow fever epidemic.
  • Rockefeller Foundation

    Rockefeller Foundation
    The Rockefeller Foundation forms a commission to oversee the yellow fever epedemic.
  • Period: to

    Max Theiler Begins his Research

    Max Theiler begins to work on his vaccination for yellow fever.
  • Period: to

    Max Theiler Working on vaccination

    Max contiues to work on finding a vaccination for yellow fever.
  • Max Theiler develops a vaccination

    Max Theiler develops a vaccination
    Max finally found a vaccination which helped with the yellow fever epedemic.
  • Max Theiler Wins Nobel Prize

    Max Theiler Wins Nobel Prize
    Max wins a Nobel Prize for his work on the yellow fever vaccination.
  • US Anti-Mosquito Platform

    US Anti-Mosquito Platform
    United States begins working on protecting Americans from mosquitos who could be carrying the disease.
  • Yellow Fever Makes a Comeback

    Yellow fever is found in patients in South America.
  • Yellow Fever Deaths In America

    Infected people were dying due to yellow fever.
  • Vaccination Efforts Continue

    Vaccination Efforts Continue
    Due to new cases and deaths, more research is happening and vaccination efforts are being supported.