June 28, 1914
On this date, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian man. After this, Austria-Hungary would almost immediately go to war with Serbia. This would not be the only thing that started WW1, but it was a large factor. -
August 1, 1914
Over the course of almost an entire month, The whole world had fallen into World War One. After Austria-Hungary and Serbia went to war, Russia and Germany stepped in as well. -
August 30, 1914
Germans are now conducting air raids on Paris, France. Contrary to popular belief, Germans used large airships called zeppelins to do this. I used this image to throw you off a bit. -
September 5, 1914
The Schlieffen plan fails. The Schlieffen Plan, if not for the failure, was a plan to defeat France in only six weeks. -
October 31, 1914
This was the first battle of Ypres where the allies would fight of the Germans. Also on this day, Japan took Tsingtao, China. -
December 25, 1914
On Christmas Eve, the two enemies had made a truce with each other for the night. They played soccer with each other and exchanged gifts such as socks and spare blankets. This would be short-lived, on the next morning one of the soldiers was shot when they stepped out of their trench. This truce spread all up and down the Western Front. -
March 18, 1915
The woman in Germany wish for peace and begin to protest the war wishing for it to stop. -
April 22, 1915
The Germans have now begun using chemical gasses against their enemies resulting in many casualties. -
May 17, 1915
Torpedos from a German U-boat sank the Lusitania, a British ship with quite a few Americans on board. However, the boat was carrying munitions on board. -
October 5, 1915
Serbia is invaded by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria. -
June 5, 1917
Millions of American men are now registering for service. On this day, Alfred Harrison is on duty. Expected demonstrations of disapproval of the draft acts did not materialize. -
June 25, 1917
The first American troops have now arrived in France. Alfred Harrison's friend phoned an excuse of fatigue, relieving him from duty. -
September 16, 1917
The United States of America has now officially entered World War 1. -
October 21, 1917
The first American combat soldiers were killed on this day. Alfred Harrison says that it is fair and cold, he to make a fire in his tent. -
December 18, 1917
The U.S. Congress passes the Prohibition Amendment. Alfred Harrison and a couple buddies of his had a snowball fight . -
November 11, 1918
On this date, Germany signed the Armistice, In other words, it made them take all of the blame for World War 1. Alfred Harrison and a couple of other soldiers are moving equipment.