Years of Crisis Timeline

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Treaty of Versailles was signed to end WW1. It made Germany take responsibility for the war. France, Britain and Italy wanted to take revenge and punish the Germans.
  • Women Gain the Right to Vote

    Women Gain the Right to Vote
    Taking effect in August of 1920, the 19th amendment guaranteed all American women the right to vote. This was a major even in history because it was one of the first steps to women's equality.
  • Insulin Was Invented

    Insulin Was Invented
    Dr. Frederick Banting invented insulin for diabetics.
  • Ellis Island Stopped Letting Immigrants Into The US

    Ellis Island Stopped Letting Immigrants Into The US
    Ellis Island closed as an immigration entry point to the US.
  • Amelia Earhart flies across the Atlantic

    Amelia Earhart flies across the Atlantic
    Amelia Earhart flies across the Atlantic Ocean as a passenger, becoming the first woman to do so successfully.
  • First TV Channel

    First TV Channel
    W3XK was the first television station.The company broadcast just outside Washington, DC, and aired movies five nights a week. This was the beginning of home entertainment. This is so important because in times like the 20's depression was at an all time high and entertainment was a way to take the people's minds off the hardships of the world.
  • Stock Market Crashes

    Stock Market Crashes
    The stock market crashed and hit it's all time low in October of 1925. One million people in the UK were unemployed, and over three million in the US. This event was so important because it led the US into a better economic system to try and prevent something like the Great Depression from ever happening again. People began to move around the country in hopes to find a better job, which caused cities to form. Unsafe cities led to new building codes and a safer America.
  • The Salt March Begins

    The Salt March Begins
    The Salt March was a protest led by Mohandas Gandhi against the British rule in India. The British took control of India and made unfair laws to try and prevent backlash. The Salt March was the Indian people's backlash. This even was significant because it lead to India's eventual independence.
  • Adolf Hitler is Named Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler is Named Chancellor of Germany
    President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany. This is the event led the path to make Hitler infamous. From there he gained many supporters, and was able to accomplish many awful things. Hitler not being elected into power could of prevented the death of over 11 million people, and possibly the start of the second world war.
  • First Concentration Camp was Opened

    First Concentration Camp was Opened
    The Dachau was the first regularly used concentration camp to be set up and opened by the Nazi government. This was a huge event in history because it was the start of many camps designed to torture and eliminate the Jewish race.
  • First Minimum Wage is Set

    First Minimum Wage is Set
    The Fair Labor Standards Act establishes a minimum wage of $0.25 in America.
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    German Invades Poland lead by Adolf Hitler.