Treaty of Versailles Signed
Benito Mussolini is Made Italian Premier
The Beer Hall Putsch
The beer hall putsch was a failed coup d'état led by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in attempts to overthrow the German government. They started at the Bürgerbräu Keller in Munich. In place of the current government they sought a unified Greater German Reich, where citizenship was based on race. However Bavarian authorities were able to prosecute the leaders and the putsch failed. I believe this is significant because it was the first attempt at overthrowing the government by the Nazis. -
Vladimir Lenin Dies
The German Chamber of Deputies Accepts the Dawes Plan
The Locarno Pacts are Signed
The Locarno Pacts were a series of agreements between Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Italy. It guaranteed peace in Western Europe. I believe this was important because it caused Germany to be unable to use force to expand its western borders. -
Joseph Pilsudski Becomes Virtual Dictator of Poland
Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany
Seeking solution to the instability in the German government, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany. Once in power Hitler dissolved the Reichstag and persuaded Hindenburg to grant Hitler the authority to prohibit public meetings, the wearing of political uniforms, and the publication of opinions different from those previously expressed. I believe this is important because it was Hitler's first step towards power. -
Burning of the Reichstag Building
When the Reichstag building burned to the ground a mentally disabled boy claimed that he set the fire and claimed he worked fro the communists. Hitler used this incident to persuade Hindenburg to declare that the central government could expel any state government failing to maintain control and to revoke individual rights. Hitler was then able to take control of all of the sate governments. I believe this is important because it gave Hitler more power and boosted his influence among the people. -
The German Reichstag Passes The Enabling Act
The Enabling Act gave Hitler the power to make decrees and ended elections. When Hindenburg died Hitler fused the role of Chancellor and President into one, taking control as dictator. This is important because it is how Hitler was able to rise the last step towards complete control of Germany. -
The Munich Pact is Signed
A treaty that permitted Germany to take control over Sudetenland in western Czechoslovakia, avoiding a military confrontation between German troops and French and Czech troops. I believe it is important because it caused tensions in Europe to grow stronger as Germany began looking for more power and land. -
German Invasion of Poland