More Voice for Women
On August 18th, 1920, the nineteenth amendment of the United States was ratified. This amendment, in short, gave women the right to vote; a right they did not have before. This is a very important event as it helped society take a leap towards where we are today. Equality has been a pressing issue through the years, especially for women. Having the right to vote was a foundation for the freedoms women have today. -
Alaskan Race for Serum
A Man and a Mouse
Walt Disney’s cartoon, Steamboat Willie, premiered on November 18th 1928. This cartoon was the first to star the beloved Mickey Mouse. This event is very significant because it marks our advancement in animation and was a huge success during the time. After the war, Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse brought light and happiness to many lives. Disney’s legacy still continues today as when people think of animations, they think Disney. And when you think of Disney, you often picture Mickey Mouse. -
The Crash that Caused the Depression
In an attempt to lower the prices of stocks, investors began selling some of their stocks. Soon, nobody was buying stocks because they were all trying to sell them. This caused the Stock Market of the US to crash on October 29th, 1929. This was serious because the stock market was vital to the economy of the US, so the crash sent it into a Great Depression. Because of its economic power in the world, the depression in the US spread around the world. -
Walking for Salt, Independence, and Peace
In 1930, Ghandi led the Salt March, which was a large peaceful protest of the British's Salt Acts on India. Britain's Salt Acts forced India to only buy salt from Britain and to pay taxes as well. In Ghandi's March, people hiked along the shoreline, collecting water and evaporating it to make their own salt. This form of protest was different from others. Not only did it lead India one step closer to independence, but it introduced the success of protesting without violence to the world. -
Japan Attacks Manchuria against China
Election of Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Start of the Third Reich
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany in January of 1933; marking the beginning of the Third Reich. With Hitler in power, the world would go through a lot in the next few years, such as World War 2. Had Hitler not obtained control of Germany, it is very likely that World War 2 would not have occurred. -
Brilliance Flees to USA
Brilliant minded Albert Einstein sought refuge in the US on October 17th, 1933. Einstein was Jewish and had begun to fear for the safety of his family as anti-Semitism rose in Germany. Albert Einstein was one of the most innovative beings in science and math. Many of his ideas are widely used today. Had he not immigrated to the US, he could have been killed in Germany; and then we wouldn’t have his work on the conversion of matter into energy or the idea of time and relativity. -
Burn of the Hindenburg