League of Nations holds 1st meeting, in Geneva
First meeting of the full assembly of the League of Nations in Geneva. The US does not enter the League. -
Eduardo Dato, the Spanish Prime Minister, is assassinated
After Germany tries to negotiate the sum without success, parts of the Ruhr area are occupied by France. -
The Prohibition Department is to enforce the law
In the German-Soviet treaty of Rapallo both sides take up diplomatic relations and agree that any open questions resulting from the war are settled. With this the Sovietunion renounces any claims due to the Versailles-Treaty. This alienates France, which had planned to shift the huge Russian pre-war debts to France -
The March on Rome
In Italy the nationalist movement under Mussolini, disappointed with the results of the war for Italy, takes power. Fascism and Antifascism start to become competing ideologies. -
The French supports the British
With French support, separatists try to declare an independent "Rhine Republic" in Aachen. The plan fails due to resistance by the population and the British disapproval. -
The Dawes Plan
The Dawes Plan is put forward to stabilize the economic situation in Europe, to enable the Germans to pay their reparations and the Allies to pay their debts to the US. It sets an upper limit for payment of reparations and limits the time to 37 years. -
The Locarno Conference
The Locarno Conference solves many open questions and is a first important step to a system of collective security in Europe. Nationalists on all sides severely criticize the treaty. -
Conference in Lausanne
At the Conference in Lausanne reparations are fixed on a final sum of 3 billion Goldmarks. This gives a total of paid reparations of 53 Billion Goldmarks. -
German-British Fleet agreement.
The German fleet is set to 35% of the British. This supports the revision of the Versailles treaty and leads to some discomfort between France and Great Britain. -
Munich Conference
Hitler assures the world that this is his last territorial demand. British Prime Minister Chamberlain and French Premier Daladier cede Czech territories to Germany, Poland and Hungary.