Jan 1, 1350
women stayed at home with kids.
Men worked.
"mini adults" - kids grew up fast.
only the wealthy girls got limited education.
class notes -
Industrial Revolution
Women worked as needed (economically)
Several children.
Kids worked
Breadwinner braught in all the money.
https://www.mtholyoke.edu/courses/rschwart/hist255/la/family.html -
Famlilies were separated.
Marriage was secrative.
Children not taught.
No income
class notes -
Civil War
Males went to war
Women stayed home or worked (if needed)
Brothers fought agaisnt brothers
Most families only had mothers and daughters left.
http://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/Family_Life_During_the_Civil_War -
Womens right to vote
Women got more freedom
Women could work freely
Men had more respect towards wives
Daughters thought higher of themselves -
World War II
People lived in fear of losing loved ones.
Men went to war
Wives got more jobs
Less money was made because the working husband wasnt home to make money.
https://www.pbs.org/thewar/at_home_family.htm -
Current time
Most people work - man or woman
Children do less work
Mothers are respected more
Devorce is more common