
Year One

By Gazelle
  • Born

    Miss L is born at 9.58am at Christchurch Women's Hospital on a bright and sunny summer's day. The number one song in New Zealand at the time was "Same Love" by Macklemore.
  • Period: to

    Miss L's first year

  • 1 month old

    1 month old
    1 month old and Miss L started smiling (although it doesn't look like it in this picture).
  • 2 months old

    2 months old
    Miss L started sleeping through the night. Horray!
  • 3 months old

    3 months old
    Miss L laughed for the first time. Apparently Mum squeezing your cheeks is hilarious!
  • 4 months old

    4 months old
    Miss L turned 4 months old and celebrated by rolling over for the first time.
  • 5 months old

    5 months old
    5 months old and according to Miss L's baby book nothing much happened! Probably because she spent this month in a harness for hip dysplaysia.
  • 6 months old

    6 months old
    Miss L starts having solids for the first time. She prefers mashed fruit to baby rice (can't blame her).
  • 7 months old

    7 months old
    Miss L is 7 months old and can sit up by herself now.
  • 8 months old

    8 months old
    Miss L pulled herself up to standing at 8 months (yay) -in the bath (not so yay).
  • 9 months old

    9 months old
    On this day Miss L started crawling.
  • 10 months old

    10 months old
    You celebrated your first Christmas and Santa brought you an "Elefun" ball popper.
  • 11 months old

    11 months old
    Miss L took her first steps at 11 months old.
  • 1 year old

    1 year old
    Miss L turned 1 and celebrated with a Very Hungry Caterpillar birthday party.