George C. Wallace sworn in as Alabama Governor
Inaugural address of Governor George Wallace George C. Wallace is sworn in as governor of Alabama. He declares segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever. -
Injunction Petition filed against Birmingham Election Commission to stop March 5 Birmingham Election
Mayor Arthur J. Hanes is unable to stop March 5 Mayor-Council City Election
"Legal Barrier to Election Swept Aside" <i>Birmingham Post-Herald</i> -
Election of Birmingham Mayor Leads to Runoff
Post-Herald article 6 March 1963 Albert Boutwell receives 39 percent of the vote for Birmingham Mayor and Bull Connor receives 31 percent. Runoff is set for April 2. -
Bomb Destroys African American Residence and Damages Surrounding Buildings
Boutwell Elected City Mayor
Post-Herald April 3, 1963 article Boutwell defeats Connor for Mayor of Birmingham. He wins by 8000 votes. -
Sit-in Demonstrators arrested at Lane Drugstore and Tutwiler Drugstore
March from A.G. Gaston Motel toward City Hall is led by Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth
Montgomery Advertiser article "Birmingham Police Nab 32 Negroes" Police stopped the march and arrested 32 people. -
Rev. A.D. King, Rev. Nelson Smith, and Rev. John Porter lead Palm Sunday March
Birmingham Post-Herald 4-8-63 The march began at St. Paul Methodist Church. Police dogs broke up the crowd of onlookers. -
Sit-ins Attempted but Lunch Counters are Closed
The police arrest 27 protesters. -
Court-ordered Injuction sent to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Civil Rights Leaders
The injuction is against "boycotting, trespassing, parading, picketing, sit-ins, wade-ins, and inciting or encouraging such acts." -
March in Defiance of the Court-ordered Injuction led by Dr. King, Rev. Abernathy and Shuttlesworth
Dr. King is arrested and while in jail writes his "Letter from Birmingham Jail." -
Easter Sunday Blacks Attend Churches at White Churches and Many Turned Away
March of 1,000 people to City Hall is stopped by police and 32 people are arrested. -
15 Black Women and a Pastor Arrested While Marching to Register to Vote at the Courhouse.
City Council Commissioners Transfer All Authority to Themselves and Refuse to Turnover Power
Two Sit-ins at Lunch Counters
11 Protesters Arrested at the Lunch Counter of the 2121 Building
25 Protesters Arrested at Pizitz, Britt's, Atlantic Mills, and Tillman Levenson
15 Blacks Attend White Church Services
Lunch Counter Sit-ins occur at Woolworth's, H. L. Green and Britt's.
11 Civil Rights Leaders Sentenced to 5 Days in Jail and $50 Fines for Contempt of Court for Ignoring the April 11 Injunction
Demonstrations by Children Against the Police Department and Commissioner Bull Connor
Around 1,000 children arrested. -
Children Continue to Demonstrate. Bull Connor Uses Police Dogs and Water Hoses on the Demonstrators
Children Continue to Demonstrate. Bull Connor Uses Police Dogs and Water Hoses on the Demonstrators
Mass Rally at New Pilgrim Baptist Church
Rally marches to the Southside jail and demonstrates across from the jail at Memorial Park. -
Arrests of Children and Adults Gathered at Sixteenth Street Baptist Church
Children Demonstrate and Shuttlesworth hospitalized
Fire hoses directed at Shuttlesworth standing on the steps of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church causing injury to Shuttlesworth. -
Demonstrations Suspended. Civil Rights Leaders Believe White Businesses are Working to Take Care of Issues of Concern
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Sidney Smyer Reach Agreement to End Demonstrations and Have a Cooling-off Period
A. G. Gaston Motel and Home of Rev. A. D. King Bombed
<a href='http://bplonline.cdmhost.com/cdm/ref/collection/BPLSB02/id/657' >"Rampaging Mobs In Pre-Dawn Riots" <i>Montgomery Advertiser</i> 13 May 1963</a> Three people at the motel are injured. -
President Kennedy Sends U.S. Troops to Preserve Order in Birmingham
Riot Control trained troups sent to military bases near Birmingham and pledges that the federal government will "do whatever must be done" to keep order in Birmingham. -
Birmingham Board of Education Expels 1,081 Black Students Arrested in Demonstrations
Federal Judge Rules Children Illegally Expelled and Orders Children Back to School
Alabama Supreme Court Supports Voters Decision to Change to Mayor-Council Form of Government in Birmingham
Over 1,000 Black Students Return to Class Under a Federal Judge's Order
U.S. District Judge Seybourn H. Lynne Refuses to Order Birmingham Schools Desegregated
Birmingham Parks and Recreation Board Votes to Reopen Some Golf Courses
Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Orders Birmingham to Start Public Schools Desegregation by Fall
Public Schools Desegregation Ends in Disorder After Speakers Drowned Out
Birmingham City Council Unanimously Repeals All Segregation Ordinances in City's General Code
U. S. Justice Department Files Suit Against Jefferson County Board of Registrars
Suit is filed to require board to accept the over 2,000 black voter applicants rejected due to failed county qualification tests. -
Judge Clarence Allgood Approves Birmingham Board of Education's Desegregation Plan
Plan is schools to begin integrating 12th grade classes. -
Attorney Arthur D. Shores Home is Damaged by Exploding Bomb
Attorneys Ask Federal Court to Order Board of Education To Desegregate All Grade Levels in the Fall
Birmingham School Board Announce Three Schools to Be Desegregated
West End High School, Ramsay High School and Graymont Elementary School are the three schools to be desegregated. Only five blacks are to be enrolled. -
Bomb Damages Home of Attorney Shores and Mrs. Shores is Injured
Police Battle White Demonstrators at Graymont Elementary and Ramsay High School
Black Businessman A. G. Gaston's Home is Firebombed
5 State Schools, Including Birmingham, Barred from Accepting Blacks
Governor Wallace bars black students from schools in Birmingham, Tuskegee, and Mobile. Students blocked by Alabama State Troopers. -
Alabama National Guard Federalized by President Kennedy
Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara is ordered by President Kennedy to use armed forces to enforce school desegregation in Alabama. -
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombed and 4 Girls Killed
Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, Addie Mae Collins, and Denise McNair killed by bomb. -
Carole Robertson's Funeral Service Held at St. John's A.M.E. Church
Cynthia Wesley, Addie Mae Collins, and Denise McNair's Funeral Service Held at Sixth Avenue Baptis Church
The Birmingham News Publishes a Full-page Ad Asking Council to Hire Black Policemen
88 mostly white civic leaders and residents have the ad published. -
116 Black Birmingham Residents Publish Full-page Ad in The Birmingham News
The Ad is titled "Birmingham's Moment of Crisis: A Statement of Concern and Conviction" and asks city to take action and address the tense racial climate. -
Proposal for Hiring Black Policemen Rejected By City Council
President Kennedy is Assassinated in Dallas