The Englightenment
On the surface, the most apparent cause of the Enlightenment was the Thirty Years’ War. This horribly destructive war, which lasted from 1618 to 1648, compelled German writers to pen harsh criticisms regarding the ideas of nationalism and warfare.
At the same time, European thinkers’ interest in the tangible world developed into scientific study, while greater exploration of the world exposed Europe to other cultures and philosophies. Finally, centuries of mistreatment at the hands of monarchi -
The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment led to the American Revolutionary War, the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. Thus, beginning the first step of making the technology we use today and the information we know about the universe, the planets, gravity and anything that involves since, was the result of their work. -
The Enlightenment
It is almost impossible to tell when the Enlightenment first began and when it ended, but we presume that the Age of the Enlightenment started in the 1700s and ended in the 1800s.
The Enlightenment saw a remarkable culture change which caused a loss of faith in the traditional religious sources of authority and a turn toward human rights, science and the so-called “democratic republic.” The Enlightenment has been described as “man’s emergence from his self-incurred immaturity.” -
The Moving of the People - Freesettlers
There are many reasons as to why the Free Settlers moved from Britain to Australia. They most common one was that Britain was becoming over populated at the time, therefore to find a job, let alone keep the job you already had, would be very difficult. Australia was also advertised as the new land, that would have grabbed the people’s attentions because it was talking about a uninhabited land with lots of land to spare. The movement of the free settlers increased the population. -
The Moving of the People - Aboriginals
When the Aboriginal people realised that the white men were not the spirits of their dead ancestors and that they were stealing more and destroying the wildlife and the animals that came with it they began to fight back. It would not be an exaggeration to say that thousands upon thousands of Aboriginal people lost their lives, their sacred land that their ancestors had left for them and their way of life that they had known for all their lives. However, their efforts were in vain. -
The moving of the people - Aboriginals
Although we always hear about how the Aboriginals land was stolen from the first fleet and how the Aboriginals fought back but ultimately failed. This is only half-true. The Aborigine people had never seen white people until Captain James Cook landed in Botany Bay in 1770. Originally, they thought they were the spirits of their dead ancestors and so they were friendly towards the visitor but were very confused as to why they were digging up their sacred sites and graves and why were they selfish -
Making of a Nation - Working man
Australia earned a reputation for being a ‘working man’s paradise’, since Australian workers worked fewer hours, paid more and lived longer than workers in Britain. Skilled workers were paid well and formed trade unions to protect their gains. With a shortage of available labour, trade unions could use the threat of strike action to improve worker’s pay and condition. Australia developed a far less rigid class structure than that in Britain. Opportunities for advancement attracted settlers. -
The Moving People - Convicts
To live in Britain in the 18th century was hard. As machines and technology were being invented, the need for a working man wasn’t as high as it previously was in the country. Therefore, people lost jobs which resulted in them to steal to survive. Minor crimes such as stealing bread, cutting down a tree in an orchard or stealing livestock were major back then. The punishments that were given out at the time was transportation to Australia. -
Moving of the People - Convicts (Part 2)
The effect of the convicts being transported to Australia was that it could easily be said that convicts were the ones who built Australia - socially and economically. The main role of the convicts was to supply the labour force for the colonies. Most were to work for the government, especially in the earlier years. Convicts with trade skills were needed to build and feed the settlement while convicts who could read and write would work as clerks. -
Captain James Cook
Navigator and astronomer Captain James Cook claimed the whole of the east coast of Australia for Great Britain on 22 August 1770, naming eastern Australia 'New South Wales'’
In 1770, Captain Cook “discovered” the south east coast of Australia, landing in Botany Bay. On 22 August 1770, he claimed the whole of the east coast of Australia at Possession Island, naming eastern Australia New South Wales. -
The First Fleet
In January, 1788, Governor Arthur Phillip was in command of eleven ships which sailed into Botany Bay. Near the shore, forty Aboriginal People gathered. Phillip gave gifts to the Aboriginal People to create a friendship. However Botany Bay was a disappointment to the British so Phillip decided to explore up north where they sailed into Port Jackson. On the 26th, some of the officers went ashore, the Union Jack was raised and Phillip declared that all of eastern Australia was now British property -
First Fleet
The First Fleet established the first settlement in Australia. Convicts of the First Fleet were put to work immediately on building projects, particularly roads, and farming. They cleared the land and native plants, and prepared the ground for tilling and planting. This was the first example of early settlement impacting upon the pristine natural land and Australia's native flora and fauna. England decided to do was to remove the convicts the in jails and to transport all their prisoners away. -
Second Fleet
The cause of the second Fleet was to transport convicts from England to Australia, like the First Fleet. The Second Fleet was a disaster compared to the First. They arrival of the last ship in the Fleet was on the 28th of June, 1790 due to their lack of direction and were taken off course. -
Industrial Revolution
'The Industrial Revolution' refers to the period when a massive economic, technological, social and cultural change. This happening affected humans to such an extent that it's often compared to the change from when we human gathered food from hunting to when we discovered farming. Too put it simply, the Industrial Revolution was transformed human life by changing methods of manufacturing, the way people made a living and the products available to them. -
Industrial Revolution
The cause of the Industrial Revolution still, to this day, remain a topic for debate. Some historians see it as an outgrowth from the social changes of the Enlightenment and the colonial expansion of the 17th century. -
Making of a Nation
Less than a century after the arrival of the British in Australia, six separate British colonies had been spread across the continent. The six colonies had frequently come into conflict with Aborigini and Torrens Strait Islander People who resisted the British. By the 1870’s a sense of Australian identity had been devloped. By 1900, referendums were held in each of the six colonies. All said ‘yes’ to a new federal consitution. On the January 1st, 1901, the six British colonies became Australia. -
Making a Nation - States
Less than a century after the arrival of the British in Australia, six separate British colonies had been spread across the continent. The six colonies had frequently come into conflict with Aborigine and Torrens Strait Islander People who resisted the British. By the 1870’s a sense of Australian identity had been developed. By 1900, referendums were held in each of the six colonies. All said ‘yes’ to a new federal constitution. On the January 1st, 1901, the six British colonies became Australia -
The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
On the 28th of June, 1914, Archduke Franz Derdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were visiting Sarajevo to inspect the manoeuvres of the army. As the motorcode passed through the streets, Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian group the Black Hand, shot and killed the duke and his wife. The effect of his assassination provoked war between Serbia and the Austro-Hungarians. This act is one of the many known causes of World War 1. -
Gallipoli Campaign
In the hope of bringing down Germany, at Allies attempted to seize the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey and thus gain control the Dardanelles Strait which would open a supply route from the west to Russia through the Black Sea. The campaign was a failure, due to the poor planning by London and the lack of leadership in the field. -
Gallipoli Campagin
. Allied soldiers were evacuated beginning in December and ending on January 9, 1916. In all 410,000 British, Anzac (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps), and Indian troops participated, along with 70,000 French and North Africans. As a result, Winston Churchill, first lord of the admiralty and principal supporter of the operation, was removed from office. -
America Joining WW1
the passenger liner Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine during an unrestricted U-Boat campaign, off the southern coast of Ireland. Over 1000 people died. At the time, the United States was a neutral country, so they sent notes to the German Government. Germany instantly called off the campaign but it was reintroduced in 1917. The U.S. was providing Britain with money and arms but they had brought in an isolationist policy. -
America Joins the War
The U.S also discovered that Germany was influencing Mexico to go to war against the United States. U.S. president, Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany in April 1917.
When America joined World War 1 that meant that the Allied Powers had access to fresh troops and arms from America to further their war and gain an advantage and that also meant instead of instead America supplying England in secretive way they could do it openly. -
A battle during WW1 - The Third Battle of Ypres
The Ypres Salient developed as the armies tried to outflank each other in the race to the sea at the end of 1914. A salient is a piece of land that extends into enemy territory so that the enemy surrounds it on three sides. In 1917 the British, during the first stage of the Third Battles, made a successful attempt to break out of the salient at Messines and take part of the high ground overlooking Ypres. British Commander in Chief, Douglas Haig wanted to attempt another breakthrough. -
Voluntry Migration
Voluntary Migration moving from place to place because you want t not because your being made to. Involuntary Migration – slavery and transportation of convicts are two examples of involuntary migration to the New World. These individuals had no choice in the matter, being forced against their own wills to migrate.