A replica of endeavour at sea 530311


  • Period: Jun 12, 1300 to


  • Jun 13, 1300

    When The Aborigonals Came

    Being the first humans to arrive in Australia about 50,000 years ago; the Aborigines discovered Australia. They were the first human inhabitants of Australia.
  • First Europeans in Australia

    First recorded landing by Europeans, William Jansz in Australia on the west coast of Cape York Peninsula
  • Captain Cook

    Captain Cook
    What Happened On That Day?
    Following the loss of the American Colonies after the American Revolutionary War 1775–1783, Great Britain needed to find alternative land for a new British colony. Australia was chosen for settlement, and colonisation began in 1788. Great Britain came to australia because their jails were too crowded and they needed new ones. Great Britain.
  • How Did It Efect The Aboriginals

    How Did It Efect The Aboriginals
    Great Britain made the aboriginals un settled. Aboriginals were very angry.
    Imagine if someone came to your town and claimed it and said go or get killed.
  • Aboriginals Perspective

    The aborigionals would feel very angry that someone is taking over thier land.
  • Captain Aurthor Phillip's Perspective

    Captain Aurthor Phillop would of been feeling very proud of himself when he new he had reached Australia
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    What Happened On That Day?
    Following the loss of the American Colonies after the American Revolutionary War 1775–1783, Great Britain needed to find alternative land for a new British colony. Australia was chosen for settlement, and colonisation began in 1788. Great Britain came to australia because their jails were too crowded and they needed new ones. Great Britain.
  • Convicts Perspective

    The convicts would have not knwn what to do and they would be all feeling sick from the bad food thay had been given and how badly thay were being treated.
  • Captain Matthew Fliders

    Captain Matthew Flinders circumnavigates the Australian mainland proving it is an island.
  • Hume and Hovell

    Hume and Hovell open an overland route from Sydney to the future site of Melbourne.
  • Van diemans Land (Tasmania)

    Van Deimans Land renamed as Tasmania in 1855 established as a seperate colony.
  • Charles Fremantle

    Charles Fremantle lands on the south west coast, later that year 70 settlers establish the colony as Western Australia.
  • Adelaide

    Charles Sturt expores the Murray river and paves the way for the founding of Adelaide in 1836.
  • Melbourne

    John Batman lands at the future site of Melbourne.
  • Gold

    Gold is discoverd in New South Wales and Victoria. Victoria gains seperation from New South Wales
  • Queensland

    The colony of Queensland is founded
  • Commenwelth

    the people of the future commenwelth of Australia approve a constitution of a new nation.
  • Fedatation

    The Australian Government agreed to sign that all six states in Australia would be part of the Commonwealth. New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland,South Australia, Western Australia Tasmania.The Commonwealth occurred because great britain took over Australia and lots of other countries, Great bittern wanted a lot of alies.
  • The Other Countries Perspectives

    Some other countries woud of felt anoyed beause Briten was growing in alies.
  • Aboriginals Perspective

    The aboriginals would of been devistated when this happend because they then new that the English were here to stay.
  • Roal Family's Perspective

    They woud be thinking that they had lots of power over lots of people.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    More than 416,000 Australians joined the war.They believed that they were fighting for their country to make a better and safer place. During world war one the government opened the royal military college at Duntroon in 1911. Gallipoli was our first ever fight. They had people who didn't want to go to war but some people had to go.
  • Gallipoli Soldiers Perspective

    They would be feeling shoked to see that people around them weredieing and drowning.
  • Cooks and Nurses Perspective

    They new that they were about to work harder than they had ever worked before but they did not want to let down their country.
  • Young Australians

    They would be feeling terrified sailing though the water knowing that within a few minutes thay would be fighting for their lives.
  • Fedral Capital

    The fedarel capital is transferred from Melbourne to Canberra.
  • Great Deprretion

    Australia's econamy slumps as the great Deprretion takes hold.
  • World War ll

    World War 2, also known as the Second World War, was a war fought from 1939 to 1945 in Europe and, during much of the 1930s and 1940s, in Asia. The war in Europe began in earnest on September 1, 1939 with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany, and concluded on September 2, 1945, with the official surrender of the last Axis nation, Japan. However, in Asia the war began earlier with Japanese interventions in China, and in Europe, the war ended earlier with the unconditional surrender of Germany
  • Japanese

    Japanese bombers attack Darwin, midget submarines enter Sydney Harbour.
  • Prime Minister

    Sir Robert Menzies begins an 18-year term as Prime Minister.
  • Korean War

    Australian troops take part in the Korean war, as part of the United Nations forces
  • Vietnam War

    The arrival of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam in South Vietnam during July and August 1962 was the beginning of Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War. Australia's participation in the war was formally declared at an end when the Governor-General issued a proclamation on 11 January 1973. The only combat troops remaining in Vietnam were a platoon guarding the Australian embassy in Saigon, which was withdrawn in June 1973.
  • 200 yeas of European settlment

    Australia celebrates 200 years of European settlement.
  • Today

    Australia is still envolved with England in many ways like commenwelth and the commenwelth games. We also follow thw queen and since recently we ahve had the same national anthem and we both have the Union Jack on our flag. Australia and England play cricket for the Ashes, Australians also love going over to England and the English love coming over to Australia and we even both speak english. Australians and the English both have turkey on christmas day.