Year 9 History, Overview: Significant Events (1750 – 1918) Cates

  • American Declaration of Independence signed

    American Declaration of Independence signed
    The Declaration of Independence was finally signed, declaring the 13 U.S colonies free of Britain, as an independent nation. By becoming an independent nation, the nation was able to have an official alliance with the Government of France who assisted the nation in the war against Britain.
  • French Revolution (5 May 1787 – 9 Nov 1799)

    French Revolution (5 May 1787 – 9 Nov 1799)
    The French Revolution was mostly about food shortages and a horrible political system which consisted of several flaws. The society in France was structured in a way which gave nobles, kings, and clergies many privileges, however, this all changed on the 4th of August. On August 4th, the Ancien Regime and all feudal rights, tithes, privileges for nobles and unequal taxation were all abolished.
  • First fleet lands in Australia

    First fleet lands in Australia
    Commanded by Captain Arthur Phillip, the First Fleet finally arrived in Botany Bay on January 18th, 1788 after a long voyage, the 11 ships sailing a total of 20,000 kilometres.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizens

    Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizens
    The Declaration of Independence made no reference to women. Despite claiming that ‘men are born and remain free and equal in rights', women still remained subordinate. In response, Olympe de Gouges wrote a version in which she replaced any discriminative language with innovative concepts, encouraging equality between the sexes. She was unfortunately sent to the guillotine in 1793, falling prey to her political opponents.
  • California, Gold Rush

    California, Gold Rush
    Gold nuggets were discovered by James Wilson Marshall in the Sacramento Valley during early 1848 which started the California Gold Rush. As the news spreads, thousands of miners migrated to San Francisco and a number of 4,000 miners present in the area by late-August. Approximately, $2 billion worth of metal and 750,000 pounds of gold was extracted from the valley in 1852.
  • Federation of Australia

    Federation of Australia
    On January 1st 1901, Australia officially became an independent nation when the legislation which granted the six Australian colonies to run the country as part of the Commonwealth of Australia was passed by the British Parliament.
  • Titanic crashed

    Titanic crashed
    On March 31st 1911, marks the official launch of the RMS (Royal Mail Ship) Titanic. The Titanic was considered as an 'unsinkable' ship, it was quite large and very luxurious. Inside the cruise ship, it was lined with advanced technology at the time: electrical control panels, four elevators and an advanced wireless communications system that could transmit Morse Codes. But after 4 days from launch, April 14, 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland and sank.