Year 9 History

  • Enlightenment

    The enlightenment was a phase in history where people learnt to become more independent. More people decided against obeying kings, queens and churches. This lead to people using rational thinking and has effected how we are today.This all started when Isaac Newton was leaning against a tree and an apple fell on him. He started thinking about how things that go up must come down and that resulted in the Enlightenement.
  • Captain James Cook lands in Botany Bay

    Captain James Cook lands in Botany Bay
    Captain James Cook landed in Botany Bay and because of the great amount of plants and flowers he re-named Botany Bay. He first named the area South Wales, but later changed it to New South Wales. He discovered the eastern coastline of Australia and continued to New Guinea and Java.
  • The Second Fleet

    The Second Fleet
    The reason the second fleet happened was becuase there were more convicts to bring over to Australia as England was overpopulated. A large number of convicts were there because of theft. The Second Fleet didn't turn out as good as the first fleet as more than 250 convicts died on the voyage. When they arrived, 1788 convicts setteled in Australia.
  • Voluntary Migration

    Voluntary Migration
    Voluntary migration may be due to push or pull factors. In 1901, 15 million people left England in search of a better life somewhere else. Many poor, single men were attracted to the wide open spaces of Australia and the thought of owning enough land to become wealthy. The first free settlers to Australia arrived in Sydney onboard the 'Bellona' on the 16th of January 1793. Five single men and two families who were wealthy enough to travel so far. They were given free land grants of 30 acres.
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    Not only was World War 1 the biggest battle Australia ever fought in, but it was the first. it all started when a group of men were seeking revenge. This group of men wanted to kill a man called Franz Ferdinand. Ferdinand at the time was Duke of Austria and wanted to give concessions to the South Slavs which wasn’t what the assassinators wanted. The Archduke was driving to the city hospital of Sarajevo and on the way there one of the assassinators shot the Archduke and his wife.
  • WW1 Starts

    WW1 Starts
    The Serbians were already angry with the Austro-Hungarian Empire for adding Bosnia to their empire even though Bosnia belonged to the Ottoman Empire. On the 28th of July, exactly a month after the assassination, Austria invaded Belgrade, a city in Serbia. As time went on, allies were formed and many countries became involved which turned into a World War.
  • The battle of Verdun

    The battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun was a 10 month long ordeal between France and Germany. A million people were estimated to have died in the battle. The reason for it all to start was because France felt threatened by Germany's power. Germany threatened France of invading so France built forts to protect their country. The Germans attacked on the 21st of February, 1916. France didn't retaliate so Germany kept attacking until France got the Air Force to watch over Verdun and Germany eventually stopped.
  • First Battle of Bullecourt

    First Battle of Bullecourt
    On the 11tth of April 1917, the Australian 4th Division assaulted the Hindenburg Line in the First Battle of Bullecourt. The attack was said to be planned and resulted in disaster. Tanks which were made to support the Australian infantry either broke down or were destroyed. However, the infantry had enough power to break into the german defences.
  • Second Battle of Bullecourt

    Second Battle of Bullecourt
    The second battle of bullecourt occured from the 3rd of May to the 15th of May, 1917. This battle was a continuation of the British 1917 spring offensive north and south of Arras.
    On the 15th of May, the Australians fought off a German counter-attack and the enemy decided to leave this piece of the Hindenburg Line to Australia.
  • Involuntary Migration

    Involuntary Migration