year 5 timeline activities
The supplies are running low, six marines are hanged for robbing the public stores. Governor philip ignores the hostiity from the marines by insisting that all men and women, free and unfree, are to recieve the eggsact amount of rations, and to be hanged and flogged alike for crimes. -
they lost marines and that may affect it by losing guards, material and other useful recorces. -
Governor Phillip
Before he went to Australia he was a farmer, after a while he became a sailor for the British Navy. He tried to become friends with the Aboriginals so that the Aboriginals and the British were to live in peace. Phillip ordered that whoever tried to kill Aboriginals would be hanged. -
year 5 timeline
As supplies run low, people start to starve and a quarter of the settlement die. -
they have lost several people from the colony and the communities. -
year 5 timeline
they have opened another settlement in van diemans land - tasmania -
they had more land for the colony and the communities. To establish more houses and buildings for the land. -
Maquarie sacrifices three of mens spirits for building a big hospital -
they have sacrificed three men to build a hospital (three men that could of helped in the future) -
there are over 24,000 people in NSW -
the population could increase or decrease from the amount made rigt now. (it would be better for the amount to increase, for the colonies) -
Governor Bourke introduces squatting license fees to stop squatters from killing indigenous australian. -
we would have the indigenous australians to help us catch food and make shelter they needed. -
the transportation to van diemans land is to wait for 2 years as there are to many convicts flooding the colony -
we won't be able to transport, convicts to van diemans land because the convicts are flooding the NSW -
British governor gives a popular demand and seperates the colony of victoria to the colony of NSW. -
we will have to travel to one state and to another by walking because the are seperate. -
victoria has more people than the golds - rush it's self, california -
having more people in victoria could go to the gold-rush rival, and help. -
In Victoria all children over 6 must go to school. -
we will have more educated people when they grow up to mine for gold in the eureka town. -
Henry lawson makes a song that seperates the native white australians from the land that is the lords. -
in a way he is teaching people with his songs to choose your part of the land and not to go in to other peoples territory. -
Queen victoria commands on the commonwealth of australia. -
these are the websites i went to get the information for my timeline, www.australianhistory.com, google image and www.myplace.edu.au.