First Catholics Arrived in Australia
10% of the first convicts were catholic and 50% were from Ireland -
First Catholic Preists Arrived
They arrived as convicts. James Dixon had conditional freedom to perform Mass but lost privilege after Castle Hill rebellion. -
Government Appointed Chaplains arrived in Australia
Father John Joseph Therry & Phillip Connolly, this arrival is regarded as the formal establishment of the Catholic Church in Australia. -
Catholic Schools Recieve Governement Funding
This ran from around 1833 to the late 1860's -
10 Catholic Schools
Nuns and Brothers ran the first catholic schools. Their clientele were wealthy and or catholic. -
John Bede Polding Arrives in Australia
John Bede Polding was the first bishop. His priests were mainly Irish - there was a conflict between Polding's vision and their ideas.Irish clergy dominated Australian Catholic Life. -
All States Passed Education Acts Removing State Aid.
This ran until 1893 and with no money to pay the staff, the bishops appealed to religious orders in Ireland and other European countries/Nuns/Sisters and brothers. -
First Catholic Church
First catholic church in 1907 at Coffs harbour -
Australian Born Priests Outnumber John Bede's Irish Priests
Influx of Foreign Catholics
From the 1960's - 70's there was an influx of non-English speaking immigrants including one million plus catholics from Italy. Malta, the Netherlands, Germany, Croatia, Hungary and numerous other places. Ideas and practises came into conflict.