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  • Marxists Revolutionaries split

    Marxists Revolutionaries split
    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader.
  • The Start of a Revolt

    The Start of a Revolt
    Russia and Japan cometed for control over Korea and Manchuria. They signed many agreements, but Russia broke them. Japan attacked Russia; sparked unrest at home and led to a revolt.
  • Outraged Families

    Outraged Families
    200,000 workers with families approached Czar's palace. They carried a petition asking for better working conditions, more personal freedom and an elected national legislature. This ended in generals killing over several hundred people. It provoked many strikes and violence across the country.
  • Ten Weeks of Duma

    Ten Weeks of Duma
    The leaders were moderates who wanted Russia to become a constitutional monarchy. The Czar became hesitant to share his power shortly after. Within ten weeks the duma dissolved.
  • Nicolas the Weak

    Nicolas the Weak
    Nicolas II dragged Russia into WWI, even though they were highly unprepared. German machine guns wiped out the Russians by the thousands. The involvement Russia portrayed in WWI revealed the weaknesses of Czar's rule and military leadership.
  • Women Turn Heads

    Women Turn Heads
    Women textile workers in Petograd led strike. Nearly 200,000 workers swarmed streets, shouting, "Down with the autocraut; Down with the war." First the soldiers obeyed to shot them but later sided with them.
  • Take Over

    Take Over
    Armed factory workers stormed the winter palace in Petrograd. They called themselves the Bolshevik Red Guards. They took over government offices and arrested the leaders of the provisionl government
  • Russia versus Germany

    Russia versus Germany
    Russia and Germany signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Russia surrendered a large part of its territory to Germany and its allies. The Russians then became angry and objected to murder the German royal family.
  • Western Nations to the Rescue

    Western Nations to the Rescue
    Civil way raged in Russia. Several western nations, including the United States, sent military aid and forces to Russia. They tried to help the white army, however, they couldn't do much.
  • Lenin's Idea

    Lenin's Idea
    Lenin temporarily put aside his plan for a state-controlled economy. Instead, he created a small-scale version of capitalism called the New Economic Policy (NEP). This let the government keep control of the major industries, banks and means of communication.
  • Stalin rises to Power

    Stalin rises to Power
    Lenin suffered a stroke. He survived but it set a competition for the communist party. Stalin, a ruthless, cold and hard leader, rose to the head of government. Lenin greatly disappeared of Stalin.