• Koren War, Korea

    Koren War, Korea
    1910-1953 no specific months
  • Madero arrives to power in Mexico

    Madero arrives to power in Mexico
  • Madero killed in Mexico

    Madero killed in Mexico
  • Socialist Russian Revolution, Russia

    Socialist Russian Revolution, Russia
  • The Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia

    The Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia
    No specific month
  • 14 points of Woodrow Wilson in USA

    14 points of Woodrow Wilson in USA
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
  • Beginning of WW1 in Europe

    Beginning of WW1 in Europe
  • Beginnig of Alvaro Obregon's government, Mexico

    Beginnig of Alvaro Obregon's government, Mexico
  • Mussolini arrives to power in Rome

    Mussolini arrives to power in Rome
  • Beginning of Cristero Movement

    Beginning of Cristero Movement
    no specific month
  • Beginning of Lazaro Cardena's government, Mexico

    Beginning of Lazaro Cardena's government, Mexico
    1928-1934, no specific months.
  • Maximato in Mexico, Emilio Portes Gil

    Maximato in Mexico, Emilio Portes Gil
  • Great Depression in Western Europe, USA, and Soviet Union

    Great Depression in Western Europe, USA, and Soviet Union
  • Hitler arrives to power in Germany

    Hitler arrives to power in Germany
  • Beginning of WW2 in Europe

    Beginning of WW2 in Europe
  • Truman arrives to power in USA

    Truman arrives to power in USA
  • Stalin arrives to power in Russia

    Stalin arrives to power in Russia
  • Atomic bomb attacks in Japan

    Atomic bomb attacks in Japan
    6 in Hiroshima ans 9 in Nagasaki
  • Formation of the State of Israel

    Formation of the State of Israel
  • Berlin airlift (blockade) Germany

    Berlin airlift (blockade) Germany
  • Chinese Revolution, Mao Zedong

    Chinese Revolution, Mao Zedong
  • USA strts to participate in Vietman War

    USA strts to participate in Vietman War
    No specific month
  • Soviet invasion to Hungray

    Soviet invasion to Hungray
  • Cuban missils crisis in Cuba

    Cuban missils crisis in Cuba
  • Massacre in Tlatelolco, Mexico

    Massacre in Tlatelolco, Mexico
  • Latin American debt crisis

    Latin American debt crisis
    1970s - 1980s no speific months
  • Ronald Reagan arrives to power in USA

    Ronald Reagan arrives to power in USA
  • Fall of Berlin Wall in Germany

    Fall of Berlin Wall in Germany