
  • 1607 Virginia

    1607 Virginia
    Arrival of the colonists at Jamestown in Virginia Colony 1607.
  • 1607 Jamestown

    1607 Jamestown
    English settlers arrive in Jamestown.
  • 1620 Massachusetts

    1620 Massachusetts
    The landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  • 1626 New York

    1626 New York
    Dutch colonial officer Peter Minuit purchases Manhattan.
  • 1634 Maryland

    1634 Maryland
    The founding of Maryland meeting the people of Yaocomico branch.
  • 1636 Rhode Island

    1636 Rhode Island
    Landing of Roger Williams at Providence Rhode Island 1636.
  • 1636 Connecticut

    1636 Connecticut
    The Importance of being Puritan.
  • 1638 New Hampshire

    1638 New Hampshire
    The signing of the Scottish National Covenant of 1638.
  • 1638 Delaware

    1638 Delaware
    The ships arrived to Delaware the second half of March 1638.
  • 1653 North Carolina

    1653 North Carolina
    North Carolina was founded in 1653 by the Virginia colonists.
  • 1663 South Carolina

    1663 South Carolina
    The Colony of South Carolina founded in 1663.
  • 1664 New Jersey

    1664 New Jersey
    Purchasing land from the Native Americans.
  • 1681 Pennsylvania

    1681 Pennsylvania
    Adams on Pennsylvania Frontier from 1681 - 1820.
  • 1732 Georgia

    1732 Georgia
    Persecuted Lutherans leaving Catholic Salzburg for Georgia - 1732.