Wyatt's Timeline

By Salahd
  • Japanese Attacks on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese Attacks on Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese launched an all-out assault on Pearl Harbor in a harbor in Hawaii, USA, making Americans become more proactive to join the war efforts due to the Japanese taking the fight to American soil.
  • Period: to

    Japanese attacks and reprocussions

    Attack of Pearl Harbor and consequences to Japanese Americans due to it.
  • FDR Signs Executive Order 9066 which will lead to Japanese Americans being sent to internment camps

    FDR Signs Executive Order 9066 which will lead to Japanese Americans being sent to internment camps
    President Roosevelt was encouraged by United States officials to relocate Japanese immigrants and Japanese-Americans to an internment camp due to the recent attacks on Pearl Harbor.
  • Office of Price Administration issues Ration Book One

    Office of Price Administration issues Ration Book One
    Due to the lack of gasoline and tires and the priority of troops being moved around the Eastern Hemisphere. To solve this problem they gave people rations that will equally give people food that they need to survive and send the rest to the troops overseas.