Period: to
German Blitzkrieg
Blitzkrieg ,or also known as "lightning war", was a tool for the german army. Focused on confusing the oposing side. Was first used in Poland September 1939. The german army wanted to advance on the indrustrial resourses such as oil in the mid west.
Massive loss of during the Blitz. Poland and many other countries were taken over. -
Pearl Harbor
Japanese planes attacked navel base, pearl harbor at hawaii decenber 7 1941.Killing more trhan 2300 americans and demolishing 20 ships.
The day after the attack President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan; Congress approved his declaration with just one dissenting vote.
Japans goal was to take down Americas pacific fleet so they could easly attack from the west. -
Battle of Midway
Took place six moths after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Japans losses hobbled its naval ability. Along with the Battle of Guadalcanal, it ended the threat of further japinese invasion on the Pacific. The entire battle took about three days. -
Wannesee Conference
German leaders gathered to figure out the final move it " taking down the jewish." It was a high level meeting including 15 of the Nazi party. It also took place in Berlin. Reinhard Heydrich convented the conferevce. Estimated 11 million jews occupied Germany. -
Bataan Death March
The U.S. surrenders the Bataan Peninsula on the mail Philippine island. Arounf 80,00 American and Filipino troops on Bataan were forced to march on horrible 70 mile march to prision camps. 5000 troops passed away on the death march. -
Battle of Stalingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad was successful Soviet defense of the city of Stalingrad. The russians concider it to be the largest war. It also is known as the turning point of the war. Fighting in the cold winter months, the German army advanced to the Stalingrad. Was a Soviet victory. -
Allioed invasion of italy
On November 8th the allies began their invasion. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill started the entire attack.
The objectives were to remove italy from the war. -
156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on beaches on a 50 mile coast. The troops crossed the English Channel and landed on the beaches. U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower was the one to give the comands. -
Liberation of the concentration camps
Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate concentration camp prisoners in the final stages of the war. US forces liberated the Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar, Germany, on April 11, 1945, a few days after the Nazis began evacuating the camp. Nazis had actually established about 20,000 camps -
Operation Thunderclap
Operation Thunderclap was the idea of bombing to mess up the shipping of oil. -
Battle of the Bulge
More than 200,000 German troops and nearly 1,000 tanks launched Adolf Hitler's lasttry to get back the land that was taken away when Allied troops landed in France on D-Day. After a day of hard fighting, the Germans broke through the American front, surrounding most of an infantry division, seizing key crossroads, and going towards the Meuse River. -
VJ Day
as soon as the news of Japan’s surrender was announced, celebrations erupted across the United States. The United Kingdom announced that its official V-J Day. Americans exuberantly joined -
battle of lwo jima
Americans invaded an island in japan called jima. American troops dropped many bombs. The island is only eight square miles. The famous picture of the US Flag being raised on Iwo Jima was not the first flag raised by the US. Around 6,800 American soldiers died in the battle. -
VE Day
VE Day officially announced the end of World War Two in Europe. On Monday May 7th at 02.41. German General Jodl signed the surrender document that ended war in Europe. Winston Churchill was found out about this at 7:00. Within mins many people ran into the streets with joy -
Dropping of the atomic bombs
The united sates became the first country to use atomic bombs. American bomber Enola Gay dropped a five-ton bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The bomb destroyed four city blocks, killing 80,000 people.