i had to add this so it would show the treaty
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Treaty of Versailles
This treaty helped establish more peace after WWI, it made the Allied and Axis powers leave a state of war and go back to a normal system of life. It makes Germany pay off many of its debt. -
Hitler Voted to Power in Germany
Hitler is voted into the position of Chancellor. The majority did not vote for him, and it led to later conflicts due to his political beliefs. He gave the people a common enemy and uses that to get more power via burning a government building. -
Hitler's Olympics
The 1936 Summer Olympics were held in Germany, and were used as a symbol of the Nazi power and the strength of Germany. -
German Invasion of Poland
The Axis and Germany invaded Polish cities to create a bridge to many of the other European countries. -
Period: to
WWII Start and Finish
This is how long WWII lasted. -
Tripartite Pact
A pact between the forces that formed the Axis power. Made to deter US involvement. -
Gas Chambers in Auschwitz
The concentration camp of Auschwitz added gas Chambers to exterminate Jewish people. These Chambers filled with toxic air, effectively slaughtering all of the people inside. This was a cruel method used in the holocaust to kill anyone of the Jewish faith. -
Pearl Harbor
Japanese soldiers attack a naval base, sparking anger among the Ally countries. The attack killed many, but in total, the attack on Pearl Harbor was unequal to the one in Japan, because the US attacked a city, not a military base. -
American Internment of Japanese Americans
Hundreds of thousands of Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps due to the fear of security risks. Japan was part of the Axis, and the US government was afraid of the Japanese Americans being spies or military. They decided to put them in terrible Internment camps with terrible conditions. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
The battle was a large battle on Iwo Jima island. Many naval and air forces attacked, tipping the scales in the Allies' favor. -
Hitler's Death
At the age of 56, Hitler committed suicide after the Battle of Berlin. He believed that WWII was over because of the powers of the Allies were too strong, and he had no choice. This helped end the terrors of the Holocaust and the war in all. -
Axis Powers Surrender
Most all Axis powers Surrender, defining the winner as the Allies. -
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Two atomic bombs were dropped on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The US decided to drop these because of the attack on Pearl Harbor. This bombing killed many citizens, and destroyed the two cities. -
Update of the Geneva Conventions
The Geneva Conventions were originally made in 1864, but after WWII, were updated to fit the current conditions. The updates protected the ill and injured, religious leaders, prisoners of war, and later in 1977 was updated for civilians to be protected.