Japanese invasion of China
WORLD WAR II IN THE PACIFIC Japanese growth in East Asia started in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria and continued in 1937 then attacked China. This happened of the growth of Japan. The effects on this was of course China got destroyed and the league of nations started to become bigger. -
Germany's invastion of Poland
Germans invade Poland This attack happend at 4:45 a.m. 1.5 million German troops invade Poland. They attacked the whole border of poland which is 1,750 miles long.This happend because Poland had lots of living space. Germany wanted Poland's living space so they ent after it. The effects were that german got all of poland. Another effect was that nearly three million jews were killed in the concentration camps. -
Period: to
German Blitzkrieg
BLITZKRIEG (LIGHTNING WAR) What happend was Germany' had a special strategy and that was to beat it's opponents in a series of short campaigns. This happend because they wanted to avoid the big wars. The effecs of this was that Germany left Poland in pieces. Germany also got Europe quickly. -
Fall to Paris
Germans enter Paris The fall of Paris was when the germany enterd paris. This happend beacuse they were all in war. The impact on this that President Roosevelt stopped the American assets of the Axis powers. -
Operation Barbarossa
OPERATION BARBAROSSA What happend was that Adolf Hitler moved his armies eastward in an invasion of the Soviet Union. This happend because of world war two. It was a huge turning point for world war two. A effect of this was that it forced nazi Germany to fight a two front war when they weren't ready for it. -
Pearl Harbor
PEARL HARBOR What happend was that Japan attacked the U.S. Navel bases at pearl Harbor. Japan sent lots of planes to do a suprise attack. This happend because The United States was upset with Japan’s bad attitude toward China. An effect of this was that the U.S. was then entered in to World War Two. Japan also destroyed 20 navel vessels. -
Wannsee Conference
WANNSEE CONFERENCE AND THE "FINAL SOLUTION" What happend was that 15 nazi party and German government officials came together at the villa to talk about the jewish question. It happend because they didnt like the jews. The effects where that they discussed thing about the establishment of concentration camps. -
Bataan Death March
BATAAN DEATH MARCH What happend was that the U.S. surrendered from the Bataan Peninsula on Philippine island. This happen because America was on there way to Japan. The effect of this was that the commander of the Japanese invasion was held for the cause of the march. -
Battle of Midway
BATTLE OF MIDWAY What happend was that JApan and America were fighing over the island. THis happend because The island was a halfway point where they could fill fuel if needed. The impact of this was that is was a turining point. -
Operation Gomorrah
Operation Gomorrah is launched What happend was british bombed the City of Hamburg in Germany. This happened bacuse British and Germany was fighting aginst each other so British bambed Germany. The effects of this was that thousands of people where killed and the city was destoryed. -
Allied Invation Of Italy
Allies invade Italian mainland What happend was that allied invated the mainland. This happend becasue they started to invade the little peninsula. The impact of this was another war was declared on Germany. -
D-DAY What happend was that British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches to fight a battle. This happend because the Allies had a large deception campaign that was made to mislead the Germans about the intended invasion target. The impact on this was that it resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from nazi Germany’s control. -
Battle of the Bulge
BATTLE OF THE BULGE What happend was that German offensive is launched against the Allies in the Ardennes Mountains. This happend because Germay wanted to rule and they wantef to split the Allied armies up. The effects of this battle was that everyone was in need of money. This battle was the mosr costly battle. -
Operation Thunderclap
Operation Thunderclap – RAF start firestorm in Dresden - See more at: http://ww2today.com/13-february-1945-operation-thunderclap-raf-start-firestorm-in-dresden#sthash.hp8ynAB5.dpuf What happend was that allied bombing ran over Germany.This happend because they have been planning this for some time. The effects was 60,000 people dies from the bombs. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
BATTLE OF IWO JIMA What happend was AMerican Solider attack japan, Iwo Jima. This happend because first Japan fought for it now AMerica was tring to get it back. The effects was that President Roosevelt was still president and 20,000 people where wounded. -
Battle of Okinawa
BATTLE OF OKINAWA WHat happend was Allied forces invaded the island of Okinawa in Japan. This Battle was the last and the most bloodies battle. This happend because the allied powers were goin after Okinawa and Japan had to fighr back. The effects of this war was that thoudsands of people died and the allies lost 65,000 casuaties. -
Liberation of Concentration Camps
LIBERATION OF NAZI CAMPS What happend was that the soviets held thousands of people in these camp and starved them to death. this happened because it was there way of capturing others. The impact of this was that concentration camps became more populare are also became powerful. -
VE Day
Victory in Europe VE-Day was when Gemany surrenderd and this happend because germany surrendered and the war was over but they were still fighing Japan. HTe inpact on this is that they still had to fight Japan but the war was over with Germany. -
Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
BOMBING OF HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI What happend was that America bropped two atomin bombs on Japan. America had been getting these bombs ready for a little while before they obviously decided to do this to japan. The bombs have a huge inpact. 90% of the citys were gone and million of people died and some people even dies after the bombs because of the radiation from the dropping the theses atomic bombs. -
VJ Day
V-J DAY WHat happend was that Japan finally surrender. This celabration day happend because Japan surrenderd. The impact of this day is that after that Japan and America came close together.