WWII Timeline for Canada

By Leo S
  • Dust Bowl(Farmers)

    Dust Bowl(Farmers)
    250 000 farmers abandonned their farms in a time span of 10 years, this was due to huge price drops in wheat and other crops which made farmers lose lots of money. It was also due to the huge drought and plagues of grasshoppers which ruined the farms and turned them into huge areas of dry lands(dust bowls). This was definately a bad thing for Canada as we had less food and all the farmers tried to look for jobs which were just not avaible at the time.
  • Relief Camps

    Relief Camps
    When unemployment rates were sky rocketing and evictions increased relief camps/tent cities started to appear. These camps were for families who needed food,shelter,etc. The relief camps were frowned upon by most and even those who were homeless would not want to live in them because it was embarassing. This was good for Canada in some aspects because it left less people homeless and hungry but the camps were a last resort which were used because the country was doing very poorly economically.
  • Regina Riot

    Regina Riot
    Public meeting was called in Market Square to talk about conditions and to gain support, R.B Bennet decided to arrest 8 leaders of trek which causes a huge fight between the public and government which lasted until midnight. In the riot there were 100 injuries and one constable died. This was bad for Canada because their was violence in it's own citizens and also did not make the government help the country because they simply had nothing they could do.
  • Battle of Atlantic

    Battle of Atlantic
    Longest and largest campain of WWII which lasted 2075 days(1939-1945), naval and air forces fought more than 100 battles to win control of North Atlantic Ocean. Royal Canadian Navy escorted more than 25 000 merchant vessels across the sea. Without these supplies the war effort would have collapsed which was great progress in Canada's war efforts.

    Between 1940 and 1945 151 schools were made to train 104 113 women and men in the airforce, the british commonwealth air training plan produced 131 553 aircrew who were taught to be pilots, wireless operators, airgunners and navigators for the airforces of Australia,Britain, New zealand and Canada. Mackenzie King in 1939 "The power of the airplane in determining ultimate victory" which means he thinks airforce will gain victory in the war. This shows that the BCATP was a good thing for Canada.
  • Battle of Hong Kong

    Battle of Hong Kong
    Battle of Hong Kong was another big battle where we had many casualties due to being outnumbered by the japanese enemy. 290 Canadian soldiers killed in battle and another 264 were tortured and killed as prisoners of war, on top of those 554 there were 500 injured which is a total of 1050 soldiers wounded or killed out of 1975 soldiers in the battle. This was another decline for canada since we lost more than 50% of our troops in the battle.
  • Dieppe Raid in France

    Dieppe Raid in France
    Pivotal moment in WWII where 6100 troops, 5000 of which were Canadian fought against the Germans who occupied most of the European continent. The attack was a total slaughter of our troops, out of all the Canadian troops only 2210 returned to England most of whom were injured. With 916 canadians dead and 1946 prisoners of war. This was a devastating moment in Canadian history but taught us many good lessons for future attacks like the one on June 6, 1944 at Juno beach.
  • Juno Beach(D-Day)

    Juno Beach(D-Day)
    June 6 - August 31, 1944 on northern coast of France in Normandy. U.S,Canada and Britain attacked on the beaches, our goal were to cut off road access and take over the airport. Our allies setup an entire decoy military base in England to trick the germans and we then came in behind germans early in the morning which allowed us to easily take over the areas we needed. This took 2 months and we had many casualties but this was a big progress for us and lead to victory in the war.